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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Marienkind (Aug 5, 2003)
done... (pant pant pant)

edit: crap, his bandana! (weeps)
9 comments – latest 4:
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 5, 2003)
oh... well it must be more of a general obsession. i see a lot of angels and whatnot... :}
Xodiak (edited Aug 5, 2003)
He looks gorgeous! <:D
nyao (edited Aug 5, 2003)
ooo... nice... i luv the sketchinezz... and the watercolourz..... ^^
KamiSade (edited Aug 6, 2003)
Aww so cute i love balmung!!Awesome job!
drawn in 2 hours 53 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
KamiSade (Aug 5, 2003)
subaru is one of mai character dat i made u[.
6 comments – latest 4:
Kazukie (edited Aug 5, 2003)
KamiSade (edited Aug 6, 2003)
The name Subaru is not only from .hack//sign y'know its just what i named her it also the name of a car.
Marienkind (edited Aug 6, 2003)
also, the star in the pleiades constellation. "subaru"
KamiSade (edited Aug 6, 2003)
yeh that too! i've heard about that also.
drawn in 23 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
nyao (Aug 5, 2003)
bbl.... need to draw eyez and then colour.... i don't like it though... XP
Edit: just finished eyez.... now i go eat lunch... and breakfast.... it's 1:57pm here. ^^
Edit: yah! me finished.... and i have a baackground that doesn't suck.... i'm so proud *sniff* i thin it's a sun setting into the ocean....
3 comments – latest 3:
KamiSade (edited Aug 5, 2003)
I like your line art very cool! i hope u color it soon.
Hotaru-chan (edited Aug 5, 2003)
*stares at it admiringly* your drawings are sooooo good, I've been here longer than you, and you just came here recently (I think), and your already on the intermediate boards, and I'm still not good enough to draw here!!!!! that could ony mean one thing .... you have SKILLS!!!

raenboe (edited Aug 6, 2003)
It's so pretty! Great job!
drawn in 1 hour 25 min with PaintBBS