usersJennifer Chase
icon Location: Philly
Date of Birth: December 15th, 1983 (40)
Gender: Female
Registered: Jun 19, 2006
Last Access: Dec 22, 2008
Contact JACster
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Website: JACster's deviantArt
YIM: cardhero999
Profile Comment
Why is this here? Can't we just talk and draw and junk? Is a life story REALLY all that neccisary?!? DX

Okay, I'm done. Thank you. Have a nice day.
5 Submissions
thumbnail I had to squint to see what you did around and in the eye. And I didn't do that until the third time...
Jul 9, 2006
thumbnail hehe... why didn't I think of that? It would be just like me... -_o... ... :)
Jul 9, 2006
thumbnail This a really good picture. I espically like the leather jacket. :D
Jul 9, 2006
thumbnail This guy is cute. You think If I scratch his belly, that he'll do tricks for me? XP
Jul 9, 2006
thumbnail Very curvy and curly. Lovely movement. ^_^... ... ... Makes me wanna fly.
Jul 8, 2006
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