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Public Boards/Beginner 
populatis (Apr 18, 2010)
5 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Apr 19, 2010)
I love the light in this!
IdaLee (Apr 19, 2010)
I love the light, too. It almost shimmers.
firecracker (Apr 20, 2010)
I agree....very nice....:)
Suntan (edited Apr 20, 2010)
I know this sight :)..bright, wet sand, almost blinding, and dark clouds building on the horizon.
drawn in 2 hours 52 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Intermediate 
17 comments – latest 4:
Bubblicious (Apr 16, 2009)
Yeah, uh, pretty sure that condoms are meant to be used to prevent pregnancy, not STD's.... Yeah, me no likey the pope either.
firecracker (Apr 17, 2009)
Well.....I was raised as a I won't get involved with "Pope" issues. Who cares about who uses condoms or not.....I'm too old to worry about trivial things like condoms...."lol"!!! :P
Suntan (Apr 17, 2009)
Great job, Roytje.
drawn in 31 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
bette_davis_eyes (Mar 18, 2009)
26 comments – latest 4:
Bubblicious (Mar 29, 2009)
I LOVE CATS!!! Great, super duper job on this! It is so cute :DDD
PS (Mar 29, 2009)
Wow! this is amazing.
bette_davis_eyes (Mar 31, 2009)
thank you all so much! :)
shell (Apr 4, 2010)
love it
drawn in 4 hours 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Flubbles (Apr 10, 2009)
26 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Apr 10, 2009)
S'cuse me, I do that all the time.
backmagicwoman (Apr 10, 2009)
Yeah, I know..but at least your'e a self proclaimed it's no big surprise when you do...
IdaLee (Apr 10, 2009)
You guys have all gotten so caught up in this personality clash that you haven't even noticed what an amazing job Flubbles has done on this portrait.
shell (Apr 4, 2010)
So a year ago all this went down. The next time I say something rude I won't feel as original.
drawn in 3 hours 53 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
elly (Apr 11, 2009)
I came across these roses not long ago. They're called "Happy Flowers" I think...they've figured out a way to dye them (like they do to carnations) but in multi color! I think they're so an odd sort of way. The perfect "Easter Rose" I thought....Have a Happy One!! =)
16 comments – latest 4:
elly (Apr 14, 2009)
Thanks, Carmine! I'm glad this is hanging around out here a little longer!
bette_davis_eyes (Apr 18, 2009)
beautiful rose elly! very colorful and the veins are awesome
elly (Apr 18, 2009)
Thanks, bette! Very fun and stimulating draw I must say!
shell (Apr 4, 2010)
love the textures on the petals
drawn in 7 hours 9 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
SamiJ1000 (Apr 25, 2009)
What is the name of this style of art? plz tell me!
I'm going to make more of this. :D
12 comments – latest 4:
vlad.the.hamster (Jun 6, 2009)
this is pretty nifty. :D
kalisthf22 (Jun 9, 2009)
its so abstact....luv the boldness and the colors;-3
assha-rei (Jul 4, 2009)
i like how bold this is. isn't it called surrealism?
SamiJ1000 (Jul 4, 2009)
I don't know how I draw this. Now lascaux is hell for me! D:
drawn in 2 hours 37 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
Board rules
enjoydotcom (Apr 5, 2009)
Lately you see more and more (kids) posting on the wrong boards. Perhaps it is an idea to get the rules for drawing on which board on the front page. Or maybe there should come more mods.
Public Boards/Intermediate 
QTgillie (Apr 24, 2009)
Watched a movie this eve with this fellow.
14 comments – latest 4:
elly (Apr 30, 2009)
Great coloring! Wow, QT, you've really been whippin' 'em out lately!!
QTgillie (Apr 30, 2009)
Elly_ just had several sitting in my unfinished drawer and decided to clean my drawer out....LOL
Sorry SaIWataki, he had been posted a while back and no one had guessed, so I decided to post who he was.....Nice specimen, isn't he?
backmagicwoman (May 1, 2009) least your drawers are
CarmineDawn (May 2, 2009)
ummmmmm not obama?
great pic btw
drawn in 3 hours 27 min with Chicken Paint
QTgillie (Apr 8, 2009)
everyone, do not leave your teeth to chance....I have waited tooooooo long for a check up and I am paying for it now.....both physically and monetarilly.
May work on this more, but probly not...
18 comments – latest 4:
QTgillie (Apr 10, 2009)
yes, if you dont have insurance. hubby does tho, but limited to 1000 per year and I think there is a deductable also.
elly (Apr 30, 2009)
We pay for dentist visits ourselves as our insurance doesn't include dental, unless you want to pay the ins co. out the ying yang! I go for cleanings every 4 months instead of every 6. I was just like you in my teen years and early 20's so I've had my fair share of saying 'aahhhhhhh'. I've pulled some of my own teeth out but they were baby teeth!! I had the scraping done, called 'scaling' and that's NOT a fun ordeal! Ever since that I vowed to take care of my teeth/gums! Great job on the draw, QT!! Happy flossing! =)
Bubblicious (Apr 30, 2009)
My mom tells me to floss... I still dont, and my mom's insurance for her new job just kicked in, so I think I'm going to visit the dentist soon. I hope I dont. Doesn't sound fun, like at all... I'll try to find some floss, maybe even steal some from my mom.
QTgillie (Apr 30, 2009)
good you two.....Bubble, I decided I like the Crest Glide. I does't shread like some others. I had bad teeth in college, got all of that fixed and took extremely good care of them from college until when we left Willmar, which I did not want to do. Got depressed and stopped caring about anything and put off getting a dentist. Now I am paying for my stupidity!
drawn in 2 hours 42 min with Chicken Paint
DMV (Apr 28, 2009)
5 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Apr 28, 2009)
Noice!..I love this....
IdaLee (Apr 28, 2009)
An evil Tiny Tim!
DMV (edited Apr 28, 2009)
I was going to put "Happy Mother-in-law Day"
but I think my wife would have gotten mad :)
firecracker (Apr 28, 2009)
"LMBO"!!! This one "cracks me up"!!! :D
drawn in 1 hour 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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