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Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Mar 7, 2005)
They are :D
Kenshin (Mar 9, 2005)
Fine, SAM why don't you just quit trying to get in fights, and quit trying to make people like you. You just act snobby and annoying to people.
Ty854 (Mar 9, 2005)
Sam....AHAHAHAHA!!!!.... wait...how is the name Sam funny...? And how is the name Britt..funny?
me007 (Mar 9, 2005)
Nice picture kenshin. heh the fro is cooli :D. Some people need to get a life.. seriously.. who the hell has an argument through comments on a drawing?!..
Ty854 (Mar 9, 2005)
EUROBEAT and CodeDonny... I guess. |
(Mar 3, 2005)
I draw better when I have inspiration. Yeah. Partial costume reference used. It was my inspiration. I didn't copy the pose or the face or the hair or anything. Just a bit of the costume. I changed some things with it, though. The rest is original.
Kenshin (edited Mar 9, 2005)
Also, how is this an angel? It doesn't even have wings
Nightmare (edited Mar 9, 2005)
'Angel Thing', i.e. Angelic Themed. It is not specifically a angel, just the staff.
toni (edited Apr 13, 2005)
hey, earobeat and kinshin sorry about the avril cuinsidense... evryone has there own opinion... but next time... say somthing nice and not mean. it hurts people's feelings.:( oh and nice piccy!!!!!
Miss_DJ (Apr 16, 2005)
this is cool...and i like the textured background, too. |
(Mar 5, 2005)
yaa...i was bored, and im reeeeally bad with lineart. i like scething better... -.-;; next time i'll use pretty colors... its 12:15 am...i tired...~Kit
ILoveKenshin (Mar 5, 2005)
Try making the b00bs a little smaller, and the shoulders more proportioned with the neck.. ^_^
Koneko-sama (edited Mar 6, 2005)
o_O When did you do all this stuff? You had a lot of time, ne?Edit: Well, gah. I forgot to comment on the actual picture. I love the actual picture part(though ILoveKenshin is right), and, contrary to what you seem to believe, the lineart is really good. I like sketchy lines. ^^ The only thing I don't like is the coloring. =__= |
Misc. Boards/Sprites | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Mar 4, 2005)
mukumuku (Mar 5, 2005)
these are cute! i like 'em
StrawberryYamichan (Mar 5, 2005)
omfg its a banana! bananas are so cool!
Kenshin (Mar 9, 2005)
>:D banana What's that supposed to mean? >:D And just why is TAROU named that... :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!
ILoveKenshin (edited Jun 20, 2005)
No more banana. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Mar 2, 2005)
Tanya From Comanand & Conquer Red-alert. Um, as for the Cyborgish right half, lets just say I have no idea why I would draw that. The only thing I realy think turned out well was her shirt and the background though. Hey, It also looks a little like some sorta comic book cover... weird.
Shanghai (Mar 2, 2005)
I've never played that game but I hear it's popular. Anyways I think your color choices are nice, especially how it's light blue with a lighter area behind her on the left and a dark blue with a darker shadow on the right.
StrawberryYamichan (Mar 2, 2005)
Pictures where it's different on each sides are always so cool. I love the background. And the cyrborg side just looks so metal-ish if that makes sense. The human part looks wonderful too =)
Kink (Mar 2, 2005)
Thanks. I think I'm improving my shading a bit, pic by pic.
ILoveKenshin (Mar 3, 2005)
I don't know why, but this always catches my eye. I really like the two different sides of her. The red writing is cool, too, somehow. :3 |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Mar 2, 2005)
still needs some work.....
HunterKiller_ (Mar 3, 2005)
Awesome awesome awesome.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 3, 2005)
Wait, I saw the Nightmare before Christmas more than once... why don't I remember this cute green foofy thing? Great job, Kenn. :)
voodoobunny (Mar 4, 2005)
hehe. nightmaer before christmas IS a great movie. but this boogie guy doesn't look so evil, as in the movie.
koisnake (Mar 8, 2005)
Ohh 0___0 I love that movie |
Misc. Boards/Sprites | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Mar 2, 2005)
Yay! Strawberry dude for Kenshin. XD Kinda creepy, yet kinda cute. :3 Enjoy.
StrawberryYamichan (Mar 5, 2005)
Strawberries rule <3 Hehe so cute
Anna (Mar 5, 2005)
These little fruits you were doing are kinda cute. I like this one best.Do you like this better, Sayo? >_>
Kenshin (Mar 13, 2005)
(Mar 2, 2005)
Tiny me, sobing about some sad somthing or other. It looks like I have dreadlocks though...
ILoveKenshin (Mar 2, 2005)
Cute, but I would have chosen a different title.. XD Sorry. >:D
Kink (Mar 2, 2005)
*goes into imature mindset* EWWWW! Ok, that was NOT what I was thinking. XP
ILoveKenshin (Mar 2, 2005)
>XD I'm sorry. |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Feb 27, 2005)
I don't usually draw solid pixely stuff, but I wanted to try it XD This is supposed to be me :D It was going to be Hana.. but yeah @.@ So it's both of us! This is a real outfit we have. I think I am gradually getting my drawing skills bad :o The pants and the purse are inaccurate o.o
Kenshin (Feb 28, 2005)
:D I will draw you if I feel like drawing again XD
ILoveKenshin (Feb 28, 2005)
Whee! I like eet. It's Tad! >:D Very simple, yet very cute. ^_^
StrawberryYamichan (Feb 28, 2005)
I own that pink and black jumper thing. I seriously do. Now I feel special. Oh and this picture is so awesome :D Great clothes ^_~
pathofillusions (Apr 4, 2005)
Och, you draw preetee things. *clapclap* Nice use of screentones for her skirt. ^^ And the background is.. pleasing to look at. *stares, chews on thumb* o___o OMFG. I OWN A HANDBAG LIKE THAT. *realization has hit* Except mine has an extra pocket. *feels special*.. eep! *scoots off to finish english essay in wee hours of the morning* x_x GOOD JOB HON. *glomp* <3333 |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Feb 27, 2005)
Wow, this is stupid but fun to make. :3 Yay for being hyper and dumb at the mall. One on the left is Sayo, right is me. :D
Kenshin (edited Feb 27, 2005)
XDDD Our arms weren't like that, though. They weer in the coat, but we had our hands out and crossedEdit: YAY! I HAVE BLACK HAIR! XDD Editey: Not really, but that is the way ILK made it in this pictcha XD
ILoveKenshin (Feb 27, 2005)
It's not black... just super dark brown. >_> Sadly. XD Yeah, I know about the arms, but too bad. :3
Kenshin (edited Aug 29, 2005)
Boku to kimi [or maybe just use boku-tachi] wa Itachi-kun desu yo ne? :D |
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