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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kloxboy (May 22, 2007)
Inspired by 'Les persheurs de perles: Au fond du temple saint' by Georges Bizet
4 comments – latest 4:
lori (edited May 22, 2007)
holy crap on a stick batman... I really like this
HunterKiller_ (May 22, 2007)
Love the hard strokes here. I find green and red a fascinating colour combination. Yummy.
davincipoppalag (May 22, 2007)
Very edgy and always
Miss_DJ (May 27, 2007)
very very nice Klox
drawn in 42 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
mooki (May 20, 2007)
a little under 30 minutes...
just a sketch really, shouldnt be in intermediate
maybe ill do a more betterer one in teh future


3 comments – latest 3:
HunterKiller_ (May 22, 2007)
Nice pencil feel here.
davincipoppalag (May 22, 2007)
I was sue this was going to be one of CrimsonKing's..nice pencilly sketch
mooki (May 23, 2007)
well thats a good person to be mistaken with

thanks for the comments lovies
drawn in 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Kloxboy (May 21, 2007)
12 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 22, 2007)
Naw, I'm not that desperate for inspiration. :)
Kloxboy (May 22, 2007)
Piss paintings are pretty interesting, very involved too. They're easier to control and stink less than shit paintings.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 22, 2007)
haha... I know you, you've been in the pasture, you've been in the barn, and you've been in the city. You've been AROUND!!!! You're not a stranger anywhere. :) You've done such a wonderful job on the bullshit painting, I think the sequil to this should be a very involved piss painting. Whaddaya say? :D
HunterKiller_ (May 22, 2007)
Bullshit or not, it's excellent.
drawn in 58 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
dark_angel (May 18, 2007)
just messin round
13 comments – latest 4:
Roytje (May 21, 2007)
Nice portrait. :)
MrsFolger (May 21, 2007)
So creative. You're very good with portraits.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 21, 2007)
This reminds me of the little Bible school song... red and yellow, black and white... they are precious in His sight... 'Course you'd have to add a few colors to the song for this one... :) It's really beautiful, I like it.
Miss_DJ (May 21, 2007)
what a great idea! The face is precious and creative, and the hair as well!!
drawn in 3 hours 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
TRIP (May 20, 2007)
"It's amazing that you've lived for all of these years, Delter. What has it been? Twenty, twenty-two years? It's incredible what the mind can accomplish.
You're the people we live to hate. Your animus; that stubborn, strong force of will is the only thing that's keeping you alive. But what drives your will, Delter? Trying to find the person that took your soul away from you?"

"You took it from me."

"Me? You have it all wrong you sad, sad, waste of flesh. You killed yourself, you destroyed your own soul by giving up. The one and only time I would have gave a thousand lives to see happen, is when you died on the inside. That's when people like you become mine. But, alas. Lo and behold the God you pray to had to intervene. He kept that head of yours from losing all of that blood. He hid your wounds from the people that still believed you were alive. Moreover, he hid you from the people that already knew that you were dead.
I hate looking at you. The sight and aura that is you makes me sick. If all human beings could drive themselves up and away from their problems like you do, I'd never have any souls to eat and call mine. I'd be dead like you, Delter. It is will like yours that creates God in the first place. It's what drives these stupid bastards to keep breathing. What else can he do for you, when I've already destroyed what he's created?"

"I'll show you what I want."

"And if you fail, would you please tell them that I am God, hm?"
6 comments – latest 4:
fleeting_memory (May 21, 2007)
I understood everything but the last two lines but for some reason looking at the first draft of this made it clearer. Crazy :)
Oddly I kept thinking about this picture: the entire time I was reading this. Awesome draw as always TRIP.
TRIP (May 21, 2007)
These are scenes from an original series I wish to produce some time in the future. Storyline wise, nobody will get it until I release a full synopsis.
HunterKiller_ (Jun 9, 2007)
I can't wait to release your own comics. =)
Wraith (edited Jun 25, 2007)
Great stuff! Just absolutly great! I love these types of comics. Tod McFarlanes SPAWN being my favorite of the comics.
drawn in 2 hours 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
KuteDymples (May 5, 2007)
More realism...I am really trying to work on conserving space as I draw. If I get enough practice maybe I can move up to a higher board and have the space I need. Thanks again Klox!
8 comments – latest 4:
lori (May 20, 2007)
a fine lookin feline.. well done!
emmamommalag (May 21, 2007)
Such expression on his face! This is wonderful, Kute.
KuteDymples (May 21, 2007)
Thank you Hunterkiller, dave, lori and momma! To me it still looks unfinished. But this was for me, sort of like the portrait was for Dave. It scared the crap out of me to try it seeing how some other artists can make fur so lifelike. I knew I was not going to be able to succeed in that, but DONE is what I am here. I don't have to guts to even try to fix this or work on it anymore. I guess that is why my stuff never really looks too finished, cause I am a coward. LOL
Miss_DJ (Jan 13, 2008)
really nice job on this Kute!
drawn in 4 hours 3 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
PolythenePam (May 18, 2007)
lying on the floor.

I had to close the applet and submit the image so I can go to sleep...
I'd still really like to work on the hair and do a proper background only it's already 1.9mb and I feel bad asking for even more space...
20 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (May 20, 2007)
Where did you get your hands on a Beatle's wig? :)

This ended up lovely Giselle. The colors make you look so fresh and healthy and my God, I love that shirt. And that is a hard angle to draw. Extra Kudo's all around. It's just beautiful and really deserves to be in Advanced.
Anna (May 20, 2007)
HOT DAMN, GISELLE! I looooove this. You are great, ma'am!
Pseudonymous (May 22, 2007)
Flubbles (edited Mar 18, 2009)
Thats a wig? i thought it was george harrison! jk :p This is what i mean by pretty good. Underestimated beatle
drawn in 12 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
lori (May 19, 2007)
just a fun face sketch
10 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (May 19, 2007)
"You talkin to me? I said you talkin to me? Well I don't see anyone else here. What you got?"

Lips highlights ftw. :)
HunterKiller_ (May 19, 2007)
That's a... lovely expression. =)
Alex-Cooper (May 19, 2007)
That facial expression is hot. Angry women are best.
enjoydotcom (May 19, 2007)
Now, I have to ask, did you keep your face in that expression while drawing?
drawn in 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
RainbowSharpie (May 19, 2007)

8 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (May 19, 2007)
Oooh, we've had some great newcomers to compensate for all the doodlers that have flooded the board. So glad to see talent like this. Very much welcome Rainbow, hope you stick around.
fleeting_memory (May 19, 2007)
awesome line art and great positioning! Welcome!
HunterKiller_ (May 19, 2007)
Very stylish. Nice.
SmithDD (Jun 15, 2007)
I really like this, I like her face a lot, and nice bg X3
drawn in 4 hours 40 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
sincity (May 18, 2007)
You can always hear it coming. :} Just something I'm playing around with.
7 comments – latest 4:
fleeting_memory (May 19, 2007)
crazy awesome-I'm with Sweet take these somewhere. I swear I'm gunna see half your creations in some movie someday.
Sweetcell (May 19, 2007)
Then I can say one day "That's Michael, I know that guy." and people can respond with "Suuuure you do."

Sketcher_V (Jun 12, 2007)
woah this monsters looks so nice, cant wait to see it finished! woot
sincity (Feb 13, 2009)
drawn in 3 hours 6 min
Not 3 hours drawing time. Lots of breaks. Been awhile. :}
drawn in 4 hours 18 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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