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User Information
Realname: Joy Landry

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Profile comment:
I'm a sophomore in high school, A 4.0 student!

Can amuse with -- soccer, drawing, dancing, music, acting crazy,anime and manga, pretty bois, bikes, koulas, fire and fireworks, and many of things of mass destruction! X33

Can't amuse with -- Preps, most cheerleaders, annoying and illerite ppl, ppl who can't draw stick ppl worth a crap but still believe they can draw, mostly all ppl (and to think, i'm a SOCIAL person.) school, cliches, homework, school bands, rap, popular bands (this is ify) and a lot of other things....

i'm also mistaken for being 17 or high/drunk (i don't do any drugs btw)
at the moment i'm thinking of going to LSMSA! X3

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