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Public Boards/Beginner 
hello! i've decided to do a KH2 collanb and would wonder if anyone would join! any takers?

.::EDIT::. Someone draw for PETE WENTZ's SAKE! lol. just kidding. someone draw, really.
20 comments – latest 4:
deathking (Jul 18, 2008)
Can I join?
pray4love (Jul 28, 2008)
yes. by all means GO AHEAD. *opens collab*
SaiWataki (Jul 28, 2008)
Oh! oh! I wanna join :3
pray4love (Aug 7, 2008)
drawn in 1 hour 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Hagaren and pancakes_rock (Feb 15, 2007)
Collab with pancakes_rock c:
She wanted me to draw one of my original characters, so here is Rounin, again.
He now has dog ears instead of cat ears. 8D;
4 comments – latest 4:
pancakes_rock (Feb 15, 2007)
drawn in 44 min
done ~8D you draw soo cute
pancakes_rock (Feb 16, 2007)
you colored it in so cute *w* *huggles*
_Fullmetal_ (Feb 20, 2007)
<3 so cute!
pancakes_rock (Feb 20, 2007)
drawn in 1 hour 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Hagaren and broken-lock14 (Jan 22, 2007)
Like the one in my sketchbook, except only Flitter and Travist were in it. <3
I love your characters so much, Guupi. D;

Flitter and Kensuke (/Ken's uke 8DD; ) belong to Guupi, yo. D:<
EDIT:: Guupi can color now. :0~~
10 comments – latest 4:
Hagaren (Feb 13, 2007)

...*pat* 8D <3<3<33
kissimmeegurl (Feb 23, 2007)
oh wow!!! its loowks weally good!!
R_O_L_O (Mar 21, 2007)
YOWZAS! I like the way this is coloured in! ?
pray4love (Feb 4, 2008)
awwww!!! hagaren!! you got so gooood!!!! i miss you guys so muuuuuuuuuuch!!!!
drawn in 13 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Hagaren and nekodesu (Dec 31, 2006)
I wanted to draw Allen for a while now, so I might as well do it here.
I was pretty bored. Still waiting for midnight, I don't think I can make it. =___=; I think I'm gonna have a can of pop. Maybe that'll help. e___e;

Uh, anyone wanna do the lineart? I tried, but I really couldn't do it. DD:

EDIT:: It says 'Renren' 'cause Rina said that she was gonna come up with a nickname for me on MSN. So, um, yeah. This is what came out. 8DD; I think it's cute. ;D
Kyahaha, Rina's 'Rinari' now. XDD MSN DOES WONDERS FOR THE MIND AND SOUL. <8DD
7 comments – latest 4:
nekodesu (Jan 1, 2007)
Aww, I'm gald you like it. :D
And you can color it if you like.
Hagaren (Jan 2, 2007)
drawn in 50 min
(twirls) *A*~
broken-lock14 (Jan 2, 2007)
You have the cutest arts. =^>w<^=

Andandand, good job on the lineart Nekoneko~8D *shot*
So smooth and nice. <333
nekodesu (Jan 4, 2007)
oooh purty coloring. :0 Good job!
drawn in 1 hour 48 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
broken-lock14 and Hagaren (Dec 21, 2006)
Gahaha, he WILL CUT YOU.

8D Collaaaab, between Hagaren and mememe. I tried to do bolder lineart for once in my life. I've been too impatient to do lineart lately, because of my mouse. :<

Hope you have fun colouring all those buildings kiddoooo. ;D

9 comments – latest 4:
broken-lock14 (Dec 24, 2006)
DX But it was just a doodle~~
But ummm, I guess if you want to keep it, you could colour on a layer underneath..? <:o And maybe trace over it to make it more yey graffiti, or something.

I love you and your cutecute colourssss C8
Hagaren (Dec 25, 2006)
H'okay~~ 8DD

I rabu you and your cutecute linearrrt C8
Hagaren (Dec 26, 2006)
drawn in 18 min
;DD Finfin~~ <3
Mmkay, Guupiguupi! Do whatever you wish now. 8D
broken-lock14 (Dec 26, 2006)
Yeyeyey~~8D <3 Your colouring is so cute and happy, omigosh.

Good jorb thar on the buildings. ;D *twirls*
drawn in 10 hours 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Hagaren and Maiko (Oct 21, 2006)
Collab with Maiko-neechan!! X3

Why a blank canvas, you ask?

5 comments – latest 4:
squee (Oct 23, 2006)
This is beautiful. I can't wait to see it done. Maiko your coloring is so pretty. 8D
Hagaren (Oct 26, 2006)
drawn in 20 min
rawr. c:
Hagaren (Nov 3, 2006)
drawn in 33 min
Sorry. DDD:
I'm not good with backgrounds. DD'8
Amethysts (Nov 25, 2006)
*stares* *loves* finishfinishfinishhhhhh!!!!
drawn in 3 hours 28 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Hagaren and Sztk (Aug 20, 2006)
Ugghh...Well, it's Misha. She looked better when she was just a sketch. Anywho, Is there anyone out there who would like to finish coloring? (:
2 comments – latest 4:
Sztk (Aug 20, 2006)
Pick me, pick me! Please?

It's been a while since I've read Pita Ten, so I'd have to look up a reference.
Hagaren (Aug 20, 2006)
OH YAY! <33 Sure!

Hmm...Just gotta say, her hair is pink and her eyes are purple. And she's in her bunny jammies. X3 I might draw another picture of her later on, except smaller so you can see the entire body. :33
Sztk (Aug 20, 2006)
drawn in 41 min
Thar you go. Tell me if you want me to change anything.
Hagaren (Aug 28, 2006)
drawn in 3 min
Thanks for coloring Sztk! <33
drawn in 1 hour 40 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Hagaren and NOVEMBER93 (Aug 26, 2006)
Humm humm. 'Tis Sumomo-chan from Chobits! <33 I love her almost as much as I love Yotsuba. ^3^ Anyways, I'm getting quite lazy. Anyone want to color this? :33 (Note: Her hair is flowing to her right shoulder. :3) I hope you guys like it! <3
7 comments – latest 4:
Hagaren (Aug 26, 2006)
drawn in 5 min
Colors set. Have fun November! <3
NOVEMBER93 (Aug 27, 2006)
drawn in 11 min
I'm going to fix her eyes later, and I was just getting some basic colors down right now
NOVEMBER93 (Feb 16, 2007)
drawn in 35 min
Ha! Yes, I finally finished it...After it gathered dust for a about, like, a years and years D:<
Anyways, I'm not happy with the skin coloring, but I am finished :D
ichigokurosaki (Jul 27, 2008)
drawn in 1 hour 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Hagaren and NOVEMBER93 (Aug 17, 2006)
It's the collab I promised November! <33 But it's not finished yet. My brother's watching an innapropriate movie and wants me to leave, so I can't finish yet. DDx Sorry! I'll get this done tomorrow! I promise! :3
7 comments – latest 4:
NOVEMBER93 (Aug 18, 2006)
drawn in 20 min
Kinda looks like a background you have used before, so you can change it if you want. I got my part done though :D
friend (Aug 20, 2006)
haha! he has a popsicle as a mouth!
cmoon (Aug 20, 2006)
Nice pic! Gettin better! NOW I WANT A POPSICLE! yummy!
RaYu (Aug 22, 2006)
cool cool sweet.
drawn in 1 hour 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Hagaren (Aug 18, 2006)
Omfg! It's Winry! 8DD Well, this is a collab for Fiesta! She wanted to color a sketch of mine, so I let her do this one. :3 Hope you all like! <33
4 comments – latest 4:
Fiesta (Aug 18, 2006)
So pretty!
pray4love (Aug 19, 2006)
i don't think fiesta's gonna color it. not a poke in days. hello? fiesta? if you don't wanna color it, i will!
xiau (Aug 19, 2006)
But it's only been a day ._.;
pray4love (Aug 21, 2006)
and she still hasn't colored it... maybe fiesta thinks its 'for' her, and not something she's supposed to work on. its possible
drawn in 29 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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