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GrowingArtist (Jan 26, 2009)
drawn in 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
GrowingArtist (Jan 22, 2009)
I drew a similar one on paper, which I personally think is much better. Still cant get used to the friggen applet thingy ma bobber.
3 comments – latest 4:
GrowingArtist (edited Jan 22, 2009)
drawn in 44 min
I had to do the dishes so I saved it, tra la la la la. Everything you know about Alice in Wonderland is a LIE!!! Oh ya, Alice is owned by... whoever created her..... And you can say I have an odd fascination with blood.... can't really draw cats.... or bunnies... Now that I think about it and look at it, I hate it... A lot...
cyclops (Jan 22, 2009)
dishwashers do dishes...not people.
GrowingArtist (Jan 22, 2009)
well ya, but I had to wash them since our dishwasher was broken, repair dude hasn't came by yet
Bubblicious (Apr 16, 2009)
Dont be hatin what you creatin! Lmao thats odd xD I like it, a lot actually. I saw it before. but I never bothered to comment....
drawn in 1 hour 56 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
GrowingArtist (Jan 19, 2009)
No idea why my mom says I'm an evil little child :P blood and guts, demons spawns... w/e, all the same to me.
1 comment – latest 1:
firecracker (Jan 20, 2009)
A very cute evil little spawn!!!! :)
drawn in 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
GrowingArtist (Jan 18, 2009)
meh I wanted to see what the fuss over chibi paint was about, and I like it. Pretty cool with all its smudginess
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jan 18, 2009)
I don't know what it is..but I like it..
GrowingArtist (Jan 18, 2009)
looks like feathers to me... i dunno, but thanks :P
SaiWataki (Jan 21, 2009)
Looks to me like a burning rose :3
GrowingArtist (Jan 21, 2009)
really? Cool!
drawn in 17 min with Chicken Paint
GrowingArtist (Jan 18, 2009)
something random really. No clue what it actually is though.
drawn in 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
GrowingArtist (Jan 10, 2009)
I mightfinish coloring it, but I kind of like it this way..... oh, and hi. new here...
drawn in 1 hour with Lascaux Sketch Classic