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Public Boards/Beginner 
Bad-TH (Sep 16, 2007)
Um.... Sonic? o.O

9 comments – latest 4:
nahamut (Sep 18, 2007)
fikou ótimo seito *-*
eu gostei!!!!serio mesmo ^^
acho q foi um dos melhores sonics q vc jah fez n.n
Flubbles (Apr 15, 2010)
You really encourage people to visit you're site when you cant even form a proper sentence yourself.
lynnandcharlie (Apr 15, 2010)
I agree , there are some new people who can't write a sentence that makes sense and they can't spell, marcello invited them to leave the site untill they learned to write but it looks like they did not get the picture
enirroc (Apr 15, 2010)
I think they're just spammers.
drawn in 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Simple (Apr 15, 2010)
Do tell me if I shouldn't be in the advanced board section. ); I think I prefer sketching way more than inking.
9 comments – latest 4:
Simple (Apr 16, 2010)
Okey dokey, thanks guys! It's quite a relief to hear you think so.
Karete-96 (Apr 16, 2010)
your lineart is more awesome then mine :)
Simple (Apr 17, 2010)
Lol, thanks!
nightlily91 (May 3, 2010)
Beautiful start, I think you should be in advanced. Its very detailed, can't wait for the finale!
drawn in 1 hour 19 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Apr 14, 2010)
12 comments – latest 4:
enirroc (Apr 15, 2010)
I'm moving to England and will be spending a lot of time in Holland as well, Tahiti isn't for me. lol
firecracker (Apr 15, 2010)
England sounds like it might be an interesting place to live, and Holland does too......but Tahiti just seems like it would be like living in paradise.....I've never been there......but it just fascinates me so much,,,,,"lol"!! :)
enirroc (Apr 15, 2010)
Haha, well, I hope you get to live there someday. =)
backmagicwoman (Apr 26, 2010)
Obama isn't black.
drawn in 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
itchymonkey (Apr 12, 2010)
some actor in a film
21 comments – latest 4:
enirroc (Apr 14, 2010)
Sorry firecracker, but I can't really see robert redford at all in this, I do see guy pearce though.
Flubbles (Apr 14, 2010)
I suggest she's puts on her bifocals next time.
firecracker (Apr 14, 2010)
I put my "readers" glasses on, and I still say he looks more like Redford than Pearce. For one thing....Pearce has dark hair.......Redford has the sandy blonde looking hair like the dude in the draw....:P
itchymonkey (Apr 15, 2010)
heres the ref link discrepancies are many :)
drawn in 7 hours 6 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
TouyaParkes (Mar 30, 2010)
2 comments – latest 2:
toonlink101 (Apr 14, 2010)
the eye looks sorta real
Flubbles (Apr 14, 2010)
Real shit.
drawn in 6 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
blackwolflover13 (Apr 14, 2010)
2 comments – latest 3:
blackwolflover13 (edited Apr 15, 2010)
drawn in 33 min
this is a dress i drew for my sister . i hope she likes it :3 and she asked me to put red but red in it . she has two kids . a she is one of my oldest sisters . :3
toonlink101 (Apr 14, 2010)
i'm sure she will i love the picture its so cute!!!rate:10 ^o^ lol
Flubbles (edited Apr 14, 2010)
I'd change the red trim and the flowers for a pale pink or yellow, reds not really appropriate for a virgin bride. And you need some frills on it somewhere.
drawn in 33 min with Chicken Paint
Simple (Apr 14, 2010)
Drawing so small is incredibly hard. o___o
9 comments – latest 4:
Bobstained (Apr 14, 2010)
Me neither.
Simple (Apr 14, 2010)
I'm kind of confused. I'm not doing anything wrong here, am I?
Bobstained (Apr 14, 2010)
In what sense? if there was any rules here I'd be gone along time ago.
firecracker (Apr 14, 2010)
very nice draw......I like it.....:)
drawn in 1 hour 32 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Suntan (Apr 3, 2010)
14 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Apr 5, 2010)
:) thanks.
ChalkDust (Apr 5, 2010)
Suntan, this is really awesome. Love the swirls, and that hair, takes the cake.
Suntan (Apr 6, 2010)
Thanks very much, ChalkDust :)
Flubbles (Apr 14, 2010)
I like the swirly nipples best.
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
jekyll (Apr 12, 2010)
10 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (Apr 12, 2010)
I've seen so many cherry pics....that I'll be dreamin' about em...."lol"!!! These look very tasty.....I like!! :)
davincipoppalag (Apr 13, 2010)
Miss_DJ (Apr 13, 2010)
I love all the cherries lately! Hard to 'pick' my favorite one!
vlad.the.hamster (Apr 13, 2010)
Why is everyone drawing cherries?
drawn in 35 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
Randalthor (Apr 12, 2010)
3 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Apr 12, 2010)
I get the impression you're capable of much greater things, I could be wrong.
shults (Apr 12, 2010)
I don't think you're wrong.
Suntan (Apr 12, 2010)
I don't think you're wrong, either. Looking good, Randalthor.
Randalthor (Apr 30, 2010)
drawn in 11 min
Bored with this one
drawn in 31 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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