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Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
jekyll, Flubbles, and Bobstained (Dec 29, 2009)
35 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Apr 23, 2010)
My arse.
Teapot (Apr 23, 2010)
I can't fathom why this isn't in the showcase. I love looking at all the colours in the grill and the rust. The theme from Bonnie and Clyde plays in my head every time I see this picture.
Bobstained (Apr 23, 2010)
I think alot more pictures should get into the showcase. And more people should have the authority to put them in, that way it covers a wider spectrum of different opinions.
Suntan (Apr 24, 2010)
Yep, there are more than a few that I thought would have been picked, this being one of them.
drawn in 18 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Jan 13, 2010)
4 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Jan 13, 2010)
How could either of them resist.
Wooli (Jan 13, 2010)
backmagicwoman (Jan 13, 2010)
He's sure got a way with the ladies...
firecracker (Jan 13, 2010)
This pic makes me think of a song called "Great balls of fire" Jerry Lee Lewis.....haha! It looks like his balls are on fire!!! "lolzzz"!!! :P
drawn in 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
lynnandcharlie (Jan 13, 2010)
6 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (Jan 13, 2010)
These are pretty.....I wish I could draw flowers.....I can never get them to look right...."lol"! :)
Flubbles (Jan 13, 2010)
dorothyblueeyes (edited Jan 13, 2010)
very very prettty; me want!me wantum flowers,me cannot garden,shit.Lovely! hmmm..well,try looking at other paintings,drawingsand say"what do i like about them?how is the technique?"try different ways,and just let the colors,texture,too,lead you by the nose,too. I often look at dress designers,and ask myself,what they're doing,that I like,or is good,and try to learn from them.You also do not have to try for perfection;sometimes,just fooling around,and experiemtning can lead you.
lynnandcharlie (Jan 13, 2010)
thanks, I appreciate the advice
drawn in 3 hours 57 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Axil62 (Jan 9, 2010)
8 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Jan 10, 2010)
I had a tummy bug last week and i came very close to pooping my dick off, let me tell ya.
backmagicwoman (Jan 10, 2010)
My dentist gave me an antibiotic that gave me colitis as a side's been terrible...
Suntan (Jan 10, 2010)
haha, when I first looked at it I thought it would say "froze off". I had the same tummy bug. it was bad. Sorry to hear about more trouble, bmw...sounds awful.
Miss_DJ (Jan 10, 2010)
can it be possible that you've gotten even stranger since 2009? lol
drawn in 10 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
theusualsteve and TheCrimsonKing (Jan 7, 2010)
12 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Jan 10, 2010)
lol@ dorothy for the brazilian
firecracker (Jan 13, 2010)
She looks like she could be from Brazil.....she's dark complected, but her shoulders and upper arms look a little thin.....but she looks pretty "hot"! They say that "Brazilian" people are "hot blooded" people...."LOL"! I don't know that for a fact though, because I'm not Brazilian, I'm Swedish...hahaaa!!! :)
Flubbles (Jan 13, 2010)
I never knew you was swedish... what does old senile fart meen in swedish?
firecracker (Jan 13, 2010)
"lol" flubadub....sometimes you "crack me up"......actually, I have no clue as to what senile old fart means in "Swedish".....I guess I'll just have to "google" it!! "lolzzz"!!! :P
drawn in 5 hours 16 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Bobstained (Jan 6, 2010)
39 comments – latest 4:
LadySue88 (Feb 13, 2010)
WOW!! It not seens draw o.0
enirroc (Apr 3, 2010)
This is nicely done. I play viola myself, but violins are nice too, and the way you painted the wood is beautiful.
Flubbles (Apr 3, 2010)
I got in the zone with this one, I found it pretty easy.
davincipoppalag (Aug 5, 2020)
It was a good zone
drawn in 6 hours 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Moosh (Jan 6, 2010)
just fartin around
9 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Jan 6, 2010)
I'm not a member at a fetish farting site or anything, i was just saying.
davincipoppalag (Jan 7, 2010)
graceful looking and weird in a cool way :0)
firecracker (Jan 7, 2010)
kinda bizarre.....I like it....:)
dorothyblueeyes (Jan 7, 2010)
i love your sensual and painty work;way to go, you trump us amateurs
drawn in 1 hour 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Bobstained and Roytje (Nov 24, 2009)
11 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Jan 7, 2010)
I thought i commented on's very earthy...I like it very much...i've only seen foxes a few time...but they are very beautiful brother was a veterinary assistant when i was young and he let me come pet a fox they rescued from a trap..she was treated and was later released back into the was a nice experience for me.
alicedemone (Jan 9, 2010)
Th details are amazing
dorothyblueeyes (Jan 10, 2010)
wonderful fox
WolverineAlpha (Apr 17, 2021)
Its so cute
drawn in 6 hours 55 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Flubbles (Dec 26, 2009)
9 comments – latest 4:
Bubblicious (Dec 27, 2009)
Yeah I like it :)
Roytje (Dec 28, 2009)
Aaah, pink is the dutch name for little finger. :)
Flubbles (Dec 28, 2009)
Oh right, we call that the pinky.
Suntan (Dec 28, 2009)
Ah, I was wondering. We say pinky, too. :)
drawn in 4 hours 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DoOp (Jan 4, 2010)
huurr I got lazy at the end I:
11 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Jan 5, 2010)
hot! great fire!
Cameo (Jan 5, 2010)
This is soooo totally awesome! I love it! ;o)
Alter.Native (Jan 7, 2010)
Pretty cool.
TumblingUpwards (Jan 24, 2010)
This is incredible, you really created the fire beautifully.
drawn in 2 hours 5 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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