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Public Boards/Intermediate 
itchymonkey (Aug 27, 2010)
14 comments – latest 4:
cyclops (Aug 28, 2010)
I wonder what her love pocket looks like.
mr-artist (edited Aug 28, 2010)
excellent drawing! this lady doesn't brush her teeth,...or comb her hair,
padmooks (Aug 28, 2010)
i like you itch.
and your works.
your basically amazing.
itchymonkey (edited Aug 28, 2010)
had to look up sam kinnison:D all the same elements in slightly diffrent proportions,,..,,.ref
it was the dr moons multiple interpretations that inspired me here... plus others...
cyclops,,,im sure youd like it
thanks ev
drawn in 3 hours 57 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Contest Week 101: 2draw Portrait
padmooks (edited Sep 12, 2010)
Contest Week 101: 2draw Portrait So, basically draw someone else on the site. it can be anyone, you can ask them for a reference picture or just draw them from imagination! This is just a fun let loose contest, Obviously not everyone will be comfterable giving their pictures away, so please be ginger. Its a good way to spread the love i think, a good chance to get out of being so selfish. FOR EXAMPLE: Roytje drew [url:
Public Boards/Intermediate 
sassy109 (Aug 26, 2010)
6 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (Aug 27, 2010)
What a cute little should give him a name.....:)
davincipoppalag (Aug 28, 2010)
aww cute
sassy109 (Aug 28, 2010)
thanks fc and dav, yeah i shud give him a name, how about inci? peace dav :")
Wraith (Sep 1, 2010)
Cute lil doggy. Very nice Sassy. I cannot believe u spend so much time with the PC mouse.
drawn in 3 hours 52 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Aug 26, 2010)
13 comments – latest 4:
rosalyn (Aug 26, 2010)
And that's how he got the virgin herpes.
Flubbles (Aug 26, 2010)
Im thoughtful like that.
backmagicwoman (edited Aug 26, 2010)
Yes, I know thats why they were in caps..he knows I was just shittin with him..thats how we do round here. AINT THAT RIGHT WILLY BALLS!
adxaidl3692 (Aug 30, 2010)
LOL at axil
drawn in 10 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Scheduled Downtime
marcello (edited Aug 26, 2010)
Update: We're back! The 2draw server host is going under some brief maintenance. According to the guys upstairs...
The maintenance and reboot is scheduled for Thursday, August 26, 2010 at 11:00 PM CDT (Friday, August 27th 2010 0400 GMT/UTC). The total impact of the maintenance and reboot is expected to be brief (30 minutes or less), however, it is possible (as is always the case when performing maintenance) that it may stretch longer than anticipated.
With any luck,...
Public Boards/Beginner 
padmooks (Aug 24, 2010)
I cant fucking draw lately.
its starting to worry me.
9 comments – latest 4:
padmooks (Aug 25, 2010)
i stick to my story.
Teapot (Aug 26, 2010)
You do such good fat people. It's not that easy. My only quibble is...I don't think you'd be able to see his bladder stem under a belly that big. His tiny feet make me laugh.
Flubbles (Aug 26, 2010)
I thought she was being overly kind in that department.
padmooks (Aug 28, 2010)
i thought so too.
drawn in 3 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Flubbles (Aug 22, 2010)
9 comments – latest 4:
padmooks (Aug 24, 2010)
I bet you do firecracker.
chickenwing (Aug 24, 2010)
wow... clean as a whistle.
Flubbles (Aug 24, 2010)
I'll polish it later.
Suntan (Aug 25, 2010)
can't wait to see that ;p
drawn in 3 hours 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Miss_DJ (Aug 9, 2010)
8 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (Aug 12, 2010)
This is really cool.....I'm not quite sure yet what I'm seeing here....but whatever....I like it!! :)
lori (Aug 22, 2010)
this is most spectacular, I like it whole bunches of lots
sassy109 (Aug 22, 2010)
very awesome !
Miss_DJ (Aug 23, 2010)
Thanks everybody! This was just plain fun, that's all. lol
drawn in 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
shults (Aug 16, 2010)

ועכשיו מעליו אלוהים יושב
ומנגן שיר עצוב על הים
שנשאר סוער אצלו בלב
ונשבע שהכל עוד יחזור להיות כמו שהיה
וגם אם לא אז...

It looks like I chose butt for a theme but I actually chose two of my favorite parts in the human body- Venus dimples and the back of the knees.

35 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (Aug 25, 2010)
"Congrats" Shultz on winning 2nd's a very nice painting, and I do like this version the best....:)
Miss_DJ (Aug 26, 2010)
Congratulations! Very nicely drawn!
davincipoppalag (Aug 26, 2010)
Congrats on second place shultsy!
shults (Aug 26, 2010)
drawn in 4 hours 16 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Bobstained (Aug 14, 2010)
I sure hope flubbles gives me first place.
16 comments – latest 4:
Bobstained (Aug 21, 2010)
I'm not being judged, I just entered for a nobble.
pawillie (Aug 21, 2010)
thanks for letting me know
davincipoppalag (Aug 22, 2010)
a nobble nipple
Suntan (Aug 25, 2010)
ooh, very nipply! nice skin work, btw. :)
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drawn in 54 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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