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Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Nov 12, 2010)
By the way, did Oekaki-shi painter stop working for anyone else?
15 comments – latest 4:
dorothyblueeyes (edited Nov 14, 2010)
Really cute cartoon!!!!!(I cannot get any chibi paint,to work,on any website; guess why?a computer repair guys,two,in fact,both told me,I had the new java,and all these sites with chibi paint are still using the OLD JAVA. and so until they all update their sites,my new java would not work on chibi paint,on any of these oekaki sites. ha ha. I love technology. why does it have to fuck up our art???sheeeesh. I adore chibi paint,and now I can;'t use it,SunMicrosystems. you rats.)

I'll give a reward,if anyone can tel me how to use chibi paint on oekaki sites,while I still have the new java on my 'puter..sheeesh. so far,no takers, thanks.
marcello (Nov 14, 2010)
The computer repair guys don't know shit, but they're not going to tell you that. Computers are complicated, but you having a newer version of java is not the problem. Something else is wrong with your computer.
Flubbles (Nov 14, 2010)
They'll keep charging her money trying to fix it when they know it probably cant be fixed, they're on to a good thing. What she probably needs is a new computer.
gtca (Nov 14, 2010)
All the applets work for me. Eating in a tub is scandalous.
drawn in 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
itchymonkey (Nov 10, 2010)
loosely reffed ,may tidy later
9 comments – latest 4:
Teapot (Nov 11, 2010)
The lighting reminds me of some Vermeer paintings.
itchymonkey (Nov 14, 2010)
thanks guwys best leave it be then....flub ?bird...a duck id say ....heh only kidding that would be jennifer connelly from IMDB forget which movie...all credit to the moviemakers for the lighting..a sort of cross between vermeer and hopper type subject..
dorothyblueeyes (Nov 14, 2010)
yes, wonderful lighting, so good. nice. more than nice. yummmy. yah, jennifer is yummy. hoo-hah.
montezmaria (Nov 27, 2010)
Really, this is very unique and wonderful. Love the lighting on the front of him.
drawn in 2 hours 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
PS (Nov 10, 2010)
5 comments – latest 4:
PS (Nov 10, 2010)
Thanks Miss DJ, glad you like it.
davincipoppalag (Nov 11, 2010)
very striking work , nice one PS
Flubbles (Nov 11, 2010)
Nice light, as always.
PS (Nov 11, 2010)
Thanks, guys
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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User Profile Titles
Angel_Artist (Nov 1, 2010)
How are the titles such as "dabbler" "master" "artist" and such things like this...i saw a title that was disturbing "unlucky" and i've been on this site for years and my title has never changed from "dabbler" so i was just wondering how that was determined...Thanks!
do not understand the Judging Procedure,for giving First Prize.
dorothyblueeyes (edited Nov 3, 2010)
You know, I never say anything about who wins contests, because everyone is so skilled,and talented,and I do not really care. However, at this point,I really have to make a remark. I really DO NOT UNDERSTAND the process of "who's best"here,in contests. Some of the very best painters and artists who do fantastic work,never win, or get first place.(Not ME I'm speaking of) I am for abolishing all contests on, as they "only promote bad feeling". EVERYONE on this site is a good art...
Public Boards/Beginner 
lil_mama (Oct 31, 2010)
60 comments – latest 4:
pawillie (Nov 5, 2010)
this 18 yr old child made a comment that she has a therapist so it may indicate she has a problem which is not necessarily a bad thing because many of us live with some type of problem but the depth of her anger may not make it comfortable for her to use this site unless she can manage to control it
backmagicwoman (Nov 5, 2010)
I guess that's a plausible possibility..but eventually she will ahve to realize that you can't control what goes on at a public drawing site which consists of people from all over the world...You could never even hope to control such a situation...
pawillie (Nov 5, 2010)
I was talking about her controlling her anger
lil_mama (Nov 5, 2010)
ty lori and mommy for the rest of yous yes i do got an anger problem and im workin on to control it better with the help of my family.and yes i no im not the best speller thanks for tellin me.i am all most 18 i was born in 1993 for you all to no.
drawn in 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Flubbles (Oct 18, 2010)
23 comments – latest 4:
Teapot (Dec 21, 2014)
I think I understand how you burned out, but I still miss your irreverent humour--saucy but never mean spirited. One of the best digital realists around. Miss ya,Mr. Ball.
mudbutt (Dec 21, 2014)
I miss you and your awesome artwork, too, it's sad to see 2draw so empty these days.
clarachan1355 (Jan 1, 2015)
there will be blood
davincipoppalag (Jun 4, 2018)
should be seenagain
drawn in 5 hours 39 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
TheCrimsonKing (Oct 28, 2010)
5 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Oct 28, 2010)
Pound for pound the honey badger is the meanest animal in the world.
padmooks (Oct 28, 2010)
im in love with this and you.
davincipoppalag (Oct 29, 2010)
she's sending out penis enlargement vibes?
beefcake619 (Sep 1, 2011)
Wow amazing
drawn in 1 hour 3 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
The_Chosen (Oct 27, 2010)
omgosh the short in my tablet is getting worse! I have to hold the cord while drawing now!
lol see if you can guess who it is lolXD
Flubbles got it David Tennant as the 10'th Doctor.
13 comments – latest 4:
5p00k3n5t31n (Oct 28, 2010)
The_Chosen (edited Oct 28, 2010)
thnx 5p00k
It's been a while since I hung out around 2draw. Boards seem rather slow or is it just me?
Hurm...*Pokes* No idea why I went with the pink clouds & greenish looks like cotton candy clouds to me XD
Tennant is growing on me as an actor. I think it's his eyes, they are quite expressive.
vlad.the.hamster (Oct 31, 2010)
The_Chosen (edited Nov 3, 2010)
Thnx shi I was gng for a prisma ish sort of fog/faded thing with the bg not too sure how I feel about it. Got a bit lazy with his clothes as well. :( probably should have put it on intermediate. I may work on this some more when I get a new computer/tablet.
drawn in 9 hours 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
enigma (Oct 24, 2010)
Last Thursday, there was a big protest near my old high school which had to do with the Westboro Baptist Church ( and it inspired me to do a little drawing. I can't see how there can really be such close minded people out there, it's sick. Everyone should have equal rights, and love is love. Sexuality isn't a choice.
6 comments – latest 4:
enigma (Oct 25, 2010)
I don't really care if someone believes in god or not, but I don't think it's right for these people to be judging gay people and saying that god would hate them, how the fuck would they know?
Flubbles (edited Oct 25, 2010)
Atleast most gay people ask permission before they stick their dick in your anus, which cannot be said for alot of priests abusing young boys.
L.Monte_Slim (Nov 19, 2010)
oookk T. M. I.
And anyone that puts pineapple on pizza is just un-American.! There I said that.!
davincipoppalag (Nov 20, 2010)
totally agree with L monte
drawn in 12 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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