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Public Boards/Intermediate 
PS (Dec 12, 2008)
and when I do it's just for you. I haven't said a word in weeks, because they've been keeping me from you.
10 comments – latest 4:
HunterKiller_ (Dec 12, 2008)
Great mood.
bette_davis_eyes (Dec 13, 2008)
this is stunning! love the reflection on the glass table
Flubbles (edited Dec 14, 2008)
Great use of light! shadowplay
shell (Apr 4, 2010)
absolutely lovely
drawn in 1 hour 38 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
mollygrue (Dec 15, 2008)
First time posting here. has been recommended to me by several people, so I thought that I'd give it a try. Must say that I like the Lascaux applet very much.

About this, I love Abe Lincoln quite a bit. He's a very difficult personage to capture and I always find myself lacking when I attempt a portrait of him. But I like the challenge.

ref photo:
8 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Dec 16, 2008)
Welcome. Excellent work here.
Roytje (Dec 16, 2008)
Good to see you here..!

Flubbles (Dec 16, 2008)
Good quick sketch, ive drawn this image myself before.
shell (Apr 4, 2010)
cool stuff
drawn in 47 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Roytje (Dec 28, 2008)
I try to sing.
7 comments – latest 4:
ChalkDust (Dec 29, 2008)
I love the hints of red you put in your face, gorgeous job!
Miss_DJ (Dec 29, 2008)
shell (Apr 4, 2010)
lol Miss DJ - oh behave
drawn in 1 hour 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Kloxboy (Jan 1, 2009)
7 comments – latest 4:
ChalkDust (Jan 1, 2009)
Great colour scheme; I like the addition of the eye
vlad.the.hamster (Jan 1, 2009)
Tears of joy, perhaps?
HiroDaZero (Jan 1, 2009)
this looks amazing from the thumb.
shell (Apr 4, 2010)
wild imagination Flubs
drawn in 1 hour 2 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kloxboy (Jan 1, 2009)
Inspired by Phil Hale.
11 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (edited Jan 2, 2009)
That was a bit short and sweet axil.I thought of phil hales work when i saw this from the thumb, the hairs simular to that of phil hales falling man.I was introduced to phil hails work when he did a portrait of tony blair.Thats the reason i dont draw naked men or penis's , in fear people may think im a stark raving homo, that and the fact i enjoy drawing women more anyway.I dont think i could muster up the enthusiasm to try for an hour to get the size shape and shade right of a penis.That being said klox's figuring and shading is awesome as always.
Kloxboy (Jan 2, 2009)
Axil: Thanks for your analysis. :D

Hale is big into shadows and if you check out his Johnny Badhair series, the hair will make more sense. The pose is direct from a photo reference. The piece is essentially a joke, see, his penis is guiding him, get it? "Badguide" instead of "Badhair", pretty fucking funny eh? Just don't shit yourself laughing.

Flubbles: I heard if you hold or look at your own penis, you're a homosexual. If you need to confirm this, just hit up a priest or read a Bible, I'm sure it says that somewhere, probably in the back. Although, just being any kind of artist, also makes you a homosexual. Hell, if you were born anywhere near California, you're a homosexual.
Flubbles (Jan 5, 2009)
Im well away from california so i guess im ok.As gay as it makes me for liking this, it pisses me off its only got 6 comments and it was pushed off the front page so quick.And something dribbled out of someones ass gets more than 6 comments and pushes this masterpiece from the front page.
shell (edited Apr 4, 2010)
Nice reading all that. You guys are way more experieced analyzing art than I am. Hell, to me it looked like he was just trying to make his penis seem bigger in the shadow.
drawn in 4 hours 56 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kloxboy (Jan 7, 2009)
24 comments – latest 4:
Cabout (May 18, 2009)
This is too damn good i feel like shit...
Aubrey (edited Jul 4, 2009)
Yeah, I'm glad I am going through all these right now. You really do inspire.

Edit: by the way, awesome?
Nekoampy (Feb 14, 2010)
I wish I had a poster of this, it's intense.
shell (Apr 4, 2010)
loving it
drawn in 8 hours 50 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kloxboy (Jan 17, 2009)
9 comments – latest 4:
Kloxboy (Jan 18, 2009)
QTgillie: Thanks. I find it easier to get proportions down through a subject's silhouette first, I almost always start figures and portraits that way. I usually use red as the base color for figures but not always.
cyclops (Jan 18, 2009)
im favoring version 1. superb work,great subject.
QTgillie (Jan 20, 2009)
thanks clox, I may have to try that one day.
shell (Apr 4, 2010)
I like how you transformed the ref
drawn in 5 hours 21 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
patienceisoverrated (Mar 4, 2009)
integrity? who does that shit
14 comments – latest 4:
Mocha_Bean (Mar 5, 2009)
When I saw the thumbnail for this, I said "patienceisoverrated" and I was right! =D
I really love those aquas and flesh tones. So delicious.
enjoydotcom (Mar 6, 2009)
Bump, back to first page. A great drawing like this shouldn't be pushed back so fast.
bette_davis_eyes (Mar 7, 2009)
totally awesome draw! great colors in this :)
shell (Apr 4, 2010)
very nice
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Gigandas (Mar 8, 2009)
Timer's way off like the first.
14 comments – latest 4:
blurymind (Mar 9, 2009)
tht one looks like a sandwitch
Gigandas (Mar 9, 2009)
Thanks guys, this one's probably my favorite of the three as well.
Black_Bird (Oct 12, 2009)
So nice, it's almost as if I can stick my finger out and swirl the cloud around.
shell (Apr 4, 2010)
drawn in 14 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Flubbles (Mar 28, 2009)
19 comments – latest 4:
gloworm043 (Mar 31, 2009)
Wow...this is really very good. Waiting for the already looks like an actual photo. Very well done Flub...:)
Moosh (Mar 31, 2009)
Very nice!
firecracker (Mar 31, 2009)
Awesome picture "flub a dub" really are talented. :P
shell (Apr 4, 2010)
nice textures
drawn in 8 hours 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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