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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Fin_beast (Jan 9, 2003)
Emmm........A.................Ehhhhhh...................A ehh........ehhhhhh.ehhhhhh Im not sure i was just playing with layers! ^_^
5 comments – latest 4:
cherikit-chan (edited Jan 10, 2003)
that's cool...
jord (edited Jan 13, 2003)
whoa...some kind of paranoiac dream...
reminds me of 'the scream'(painting) by munch
Copyrights (edited Jan 19, 2003)
Wow... how do you do that?
Fin_beast (edited Jan 19, 2003)
i just made the layer like c through. Or sumthin
drawn in 29 min with OekakiBBS
Fin_beast (Jan 7, 2003)
This was dun by my friend reece! what a twat! LOL ^__^
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drawn in 3 min with OekakiBBS
Fin_beast (Jan 7, 2003)
YEY! Im so pleased with this drawing! X). I feel so happy now!!! If you draw somthing well it gives you so much happiness!!!!!! What do u think? dus C+C mean comments and critisism. If it does then thats what i want! So i can improooove maybee!!! X)

I have drawn some long hair so it makes her look more female and i added some stars and i tried to bring the shoulders up a bit more without making it look stupid (although u may say it looks stupid anway). Well i think it looks better! :)!

|||||EDIT 2|||||
I have made the boobs better i think? What do you think?

|||||EDIT 3|||||
omg! You know what ure talking about! That looks much better! Thx! X)
8 comments – latest 4:
Kazukie (edited Jan 8, 2003)
Haha I see a little something that I didn't want to see! Other then that, this is a lot better! I have just a teeny tiny suggestion.. ^^; Sorry but it's not like anything important, it's just that you might want to have her hair comming down between the right (our right) shoulder and arm! It's just a suggestion, not anything critical! lol. I really like this though, you show MAJOR signes of imporvement! It's good to see someone that really tries instead of quitting. ^___^
Fin_beast (edited Jan 8, 2003)
Yea ill do that 2night 2! do u mean it should be coming down behind her head and down her shoulder and stuff? Well ill try! If there is anything else that you think looks a bit wonky plz say coz i want to get it *perfect* lol. well not perfect but right! ^_^. I thought she needed a bit more hair anyway!
Kazukie (edited Jan 9, 2003)
Nice... VERY nice... You're great at this!
Fin_beast (edited Jan 10, 2003)
I really like it now!
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drawn in 2 hours 34 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Fin_beast (Jan 7, 2003)
drawn in 4 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Fin_beast (Jan 6, 2003)
Flowing colours or Flowing colors?
for the peeps from the US i think it should be colors
Well i think im out-numberd. ;)

Well its a wave off colour!
4 comments – latest 4:
cherikit-chan (edited Jan 6, 2003)
cool, mix of colors you're good at paintbbs...
furyofroy (edited Jan 6, 2003)
Kinda looks like that alien from Alien. And also, this is oekaki, not paint.:)
cherikit-chan (edited Jan 7, 2003)
wow... now I feel really stupid ^^!
Fin_beast (edited Jan 9, 2003)
every1 makes mistakes...................but not as bad as that!!!! lol only joking ^_^
drawn in 14 min with OekakiBBS
Fin_beast (Jan 5, 2003)
Duno just drew a man. dont day anything about the proportion coz it wasnt ment to be perfect. the HAND'S are BIG!
3 comments – latest 3:
jord (edited Jan 7, 2003)
hmm, it's kewl...looks like the city is burning and he's just smiling around...or...maybe that goofey look in his eyes tells he's done something...brr psycho
Fin_beast (edited Jan 7, 2003)
Thx. Yea well i didnt have much time 2 do the backround. :)
heathz14 (edited Mar 21, 2003)
this 1 is my fave
drawn in 26 min with OekakiBBS
Fin_beast (Jan 5, 2003)
If you look at the animation at the start i jusr started to draw some random stuff and then i started to draw this! LOL thats normally what i do! What'd'ya think?? Its my first furry 1! Maybe it needs to be finished?
2 comments – latest 2:
furyofroy (edited Jan 5, 2003)
Nahh. Looks fine to me. But maybe your shading could be a little more...organized.
Fin_beast (edited Jan 5, 2003)
lol. Well it was quick! :)
drawn in 20 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Fin_beast (Jan 5, 2003)
I wanted to try and draw something cute but i think i failed. But i like him anyway i think i did the shanding ok and i have definatly learnt how to use layers! Whooo Hoo!

Yea I love this pic Now i deleted the bits in the reflections of the eyes it looks ohh so much better!

I removed the jowl lines!

Does anyone know how i can make him look cute!????
3 comments – latest 3:
furyofroy (edited Jan 5, 2003)
The eyes are cute, but the jowl lines on the mouth kind of take it away.
Fin_beast (edited Jan 5, 2003)
what are jowl lines? the things round the mouth?
furyofroy (edited Jan 6, 2003)
yea - the lines around the corners of his mouth.
drawn in 28 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Fin_beast (Jan 4, 2003)
4 comments – latest 4:
Terra_Stryker (edited Jan 4, 2003)
Kazukie (edited Jan 5, 2003)
Nice... You're good at shading ^_~
Fin_beast (edited Jan 5, 2003)
tanks! X)
heathz14 (edited Mar 21, 2003)
v gd
u no ur stuff
h x
drawn in 20 min with OekakiBBS
Fin_beast (Jan 4, 2003)
I like that backround and that the only bit i like! The blokie Is Sooooo! Crap! This 1 is pretty atmospheric.
drawn in 51 min with OekakiBBS
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