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Public Boards/Beginner 
dorothyblueeyes (Aug 27, 2007)
Yeah,very injured by com-puters,and just drawing this very quickly;do not use software and computer very much any more,cause of bad computer injuriee now;this is rare.BEWARE;YOU DO LONG HOURS OF ARTWORK ON COMPUTERS'YOU['LL GET HURT TOO.I quit.I gave it all up.I'm, in lots of pain,and it does NOT just go away.fair warming.I'm out of it. bye,
5 comments – latest 4:
PolythenePam (Aug 27, 2007)
what the fuck. lol

Dr.Moony (edited Aug 27, 2007)
Well then use a tablet --- it's similar to drawing or writing on paper. Or use a multi touch screen :D
But seriously I feel sorry for you.
R.ockabella (Aug 27, 2007)
This looks a bit like mooki's drawings! Great!
Sweetcell (Aug 27, 2007)
So my confusion to this is, are we talking injury with your wrist and hand? Back pain, or bed sores?

Good picture either way.
drawn in 29 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/The Post Board 
Say no to free art!
Kloxboy (Aug 25, 2007)
If you're a working artist or considering becoming one, please read this: (A friend of mine posted this on DA, she got it from an artist on MySpace) Every day, there are more and more posts on here seeking "artists" for everything from auto graphics to comic books to corporate logo designs. More people are finding themselves in need of some form of illustrative service. But what they're NOT doing, unfortunately, is realizing how rare someone with these particular talents can be. To tho...
Main Forums/ 
Call for Participation - 2draw ART blog
marcello (edited Aug 18, 2007)
I am looking to start a 2draw ART blog, that is an editorialized news feed about digital art, art on the web, and art in general. The goal is to provide a source of inspiration, information, and entertainment for aspiring artists and admirers of art alike. The content will be primarily media (images, video) showcasing various artists and art related media, but also original editorial content. Once things get rolling we will probably look into monthly/weekly features such as spotlights, inte...
Public Boards/Beginner 
Lalai (Aug 21, 2007)
Started out drawing this:

But then I've never really been able to draw properly from a reference, thus turning into this hulking mess.

I can't wait 'till the visits to my endodontist are over.
1 comment – latest 1:
Dr.Moony (Aug 22, 2007)
cool texture
drawn in 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
steveandjoe (Aug 14, 2007)
Something to get my flow on and understand the Oekaki interface a bit more with color and mixing. If I were to describe the feeling of the medium, I'd would say it's somewhere between oil paints and pastels. I like it muy mucho.
7 comments – latest 4:
Dr.Moony (Aug 14, 2007)
Very nice expression. I hope you can benefit from this experience. Keep going with these large formats.
Kloxboy (Aug 14, 2007)
Awesome details. A lot of fine brushwork there, really gives this piece depth.
davincipoppalag (Aug 14, 2007)
I just noticed this looks a bit like Kevin Costner , too
Miss_DJ (Aug 17, 2007)
this is great work
drawn in 45 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
lori (Aug 10, 2007)
well I must say that lascaux was being pretty weird
6 comments – latest 4:
lori (Aug 10, 2007)
Kloxboy (Aug 10, 2007)
I particularly like the colors. this would look even tighter if it was more painterly.
Sweetcell (Aug 10, 2007)
When scow goes buggy I question the universe. Actually.... um.
Nice piece. Again I'd want this as a pattern on a nice light long sleeved blouse.
lori (Aug 10, 2007)
I always thought 'til recently that lascaux was pronounced (La-so), I still like it better that way-
yeah it was doing weird shit like the colors wouldn't change, it stayed on all the red hues the whole time,
so I could choose a color but couldn't see what I was choosing, could only see the reds, can't explain it...
anyway, thanks you guys
drawn in 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
What inspires you?
sweet_insanity (Jun 27, 2007)
this has probably been done, but i've noticed i draw best wehn listening to certain songs. Music is already a great fuel for emotions and inspiraiton for me, but i never really though it had an outcome on what i was doing? So how about the rest of you? have a certian thing you do while drawing that makes you get really into it?
Public Boards/Beginner 
Dr.Moony (Aug 6, 2007)
A quick game I want to play with you.....does this remind you of something??
tip: you have to know my paintings

quick quick!
7 comments – latest 4:
Kloxboy (Aug 6, 2007)
That's cool how it looks like 2 things. :D
sweet_insanity (Aug 6, 2007)
i went from one they posted to the other and it morphed...
dear god that's great!!
Punky (Aug 6, 2007)
Holy crap, I didn't even see the face until you guys mentioned it, it kept looking like the face grabbing picture to me. It keeps changing in front of my eyes now. That's pretty trippy.
Roytje (Aug 10, 2007)
Dude, this is so fantastic. You are fantastic.
drawn in 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
shults (May 21, 2007)
how a picture, so vivid and happy, turn to be so sad when i touch it.
13 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Aug 9, 2007)
Actually shults, now that you lightened it it looks like we're in the deep jungle, far in the bush, and just ahead you can make out the elusive and rare nocturnal parrot. *squackit'sprettysquack*
Dr.Moony (Aug 9, 2007)
Hey it moody and not hurting my what are you complaining about buddy? :)
Nice painting.
shults (Aug 9, 2007)
your'e right, dr.. I won't bitch.
and thank you sweety, for that lovely comment.
Rat (Aug 10, 2007)
It has this soft, velvet feel to it that reminds me of portrait shoots.
drawn in 2 hours 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
solve (Jun 3, 2007)
Recently there was a contest to request an artist to take on a desired idea. I would like to use that idea (not as a contest) but to take a request(s) from others. Request away. Also, if any other artists would like to post their availability to take another's request, this would be a good place to do so.
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