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Specialty Boards/Contest! 
xswirvex (Dec 13, 2008)
3 comments – latest 3:
Dr.Moony (Dec 14, 2008)
GrooveZombie (Dec 18, 2008)
This is actually a really interesting concept. Despite the noise the cars make, I can't really imagine noise in this moment. Like the viewer is sort of drowning out the sound of the cars passing by and kind of zoning out in their head.

Maybe I'm thinking to much about it, but I do like this.
HiroDaZero (Dec 18, 2008)
It feels like one of those long car rides where you're sleeping and you just woke up to see bunch of car lights passing by in a streak of colors...
drawn in 30 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Which one looks better
Dr.Moony (Nov 16, 2008)
A B tell me...
I think I found what I've been wanting
lori (edited Nov 21, 2008)
so I can finally comfortably draw with my left hand again, as I grew up doing... I wanted to be able to draw, as on a tablet, but not have to look up at the screen while using the tablet, and this enables me to do so, I think, from what I read anyway ... here it is: thoughts on it? and I couldn't find a price anywhere on it.. how much do you think it goes for? edit: oh I found the price.. haha.. I highly doubt I can talk anyone i...
Public Boards/Beginner 
racheldawg (Dec 16, 2008)
its for a project
2 comments – latest 2:
Dr.Moony (Dec 16, 2008)
I can see why you didn't use Paint.
Mocha_Bean (Dec 16, 2008)
Lol, Moony.
drawn in 12 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Roytje (Dec 8, 2008)
It's such a perfect day.
6 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Dec 8, 2008)
Perfect day
ChalkDust (Dec 9, 2008)
Really like the movement, nice details too
Suntan (Dec 9, 2008)
I love these paths, Roy, gives it depth.
drawn in 2 hours 28 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/ 
Roytje (Oct 8, 2008)
What did happen with the 2draw art-book?
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kloxboy (Nov 9, 2008)
11 comments – latest 4:
Kloxboy (Nov 13, 2008)
Dr.Moony: This piece and others like it are not "demons". They may look similar to what you refer to as demons but I assure you they're not, in any context. The subjects in these paintings do not exist in reality, they're not supernatural manifestations or anything like that. As well, none of these types of paintings are intentionally meant to be related to or be associated with anything religious, unless otherwise stated. Any demons I've drawn were labeled as such, maybe not always so directly but they were labeled and have no relation to paintings like the one above. If you need any more information, just refer to the help desk, to your left. Have a good day.
Dr.Moony (Nov 13, 2008)
just saying
Kloxboy (Nov 13, 2008)
Right and those are labeled, just like I said. :)
Asriel (Nov 30, 2008)
Well said, Klox.
drawn in 1 hour 41 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Flubbles (Nov 19, 2008)
11 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Nov 19, 2008)
Claire: What's your name?
Bender: What's yours?
Claire: Claire.
Bender: Claire?!
Claire: Claire. It's a family name.
Bender: Oh, it's a fat girl's name.
Claire: Oh, thank you.
Bender: You're welcome.
Claire: I'm not fat.
Bender: Well not at present, but I can see you really pushing maximum density. See I'm not sure if you know this, but there are two kinds of fat people: there's fat people that were born to be fat, and there's fat people that were once thin but became fat... so when you look at 'em you can sorta see that thin person inside. You see, you're gonna get married, you're gonna squeeze out a few puppies and then, uh...
Flubbles (Nov 20, 2008)
drawn in 23 min
Ill finish this off later!
Pakasutemanshikuka (Nov 20, 2008)
It's him! I saw a document about him while ago. Poor poor man.
Great job!
Flubbles (Nov 21, 2008)
drawn in 12 min
Thanks, i quite enjoyed drawing this.
drawn in 5 hours 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Contest Week 82: Skinless Portraits
Kloxboy (edited Oct 6, 2008)
Contest Week 82: Skinless Portraits Paint a portrait of someone without skin. Use a photo reference to paint from and be sure to link your photo in your entry description. Do not paint a portrait of someone already missing their skin, not only is that against the rules, it also defeats the purpose of the contest. Thanks to Gigandas for inspiring this contest with his Artnatom post. Below are some facial anatomy websites, they should be helpful: [url:
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
alright, quite obviously this collab is for four people, what i want is for those four to color in a section of the horse as best they can! it doesnt matter if the horse ends up being twenty different colors, i'd just like it to look nice. when its all done, i will take off the black lines.
the purpose of this is mainly educational, if someone isnt sure how thye should go about making a horse coat for example, they can watch the replay of this!
16 comments – latest 4:
marie1996 (Sep 20, 2008)
Normal, funny, black & white and beuthiful! <3
HiroDaZero (Sep 21, 2008)
drawn in 6 min
is this alright?
Stripes (Sep 25, 2008)
I love the first and last bits best, but the whole thing looks AWESOME! :D
Dr.Moony (Oct 2, 2008)
I don't like the composition(as for most section-collabs), but it looks interesting.
drawn in 3 hours 22 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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