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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Shelonian (Oct 4, 2004)
Rest in peace, bro
8 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Oct 5, 2004)
Very pretty drawing. I don't know who it is in remembrance of , but I'm sorry you lost him.
Cordelia_Pink (Oct 5, 2004)
This is great. How very red. 'Tis bittersweet.
spiritdweller (Oct 5, 2004)
a beautiful rose.. nice job
Aubrey (Oct 5, 2004)
Yeah this is really pretty. Sorry bout your loss too.
drawn in 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
it'd be reeeaalllly nice...
spiritdweller (Oct 4, 2004)
to be able to reply to an 'entry deleted'.... it wasn't THAT bad... perhaps could've been moved...
Public Boards/Advanced 
thug (Oct 4, 2004)
a dolphin
18 comments – latest 4:
Excel_Ichigo (Oct 8, 2004)
The best water I've ever seen. That counts in real life, too.
Gigge (Oct 9, 2004)
Very pretty, Thug. The water looks so clean and inviting. No wonder that lovely dolphin has such a big smile.
Star-Fire (Oct 14, 2004)
I love dolphens
fleeting_memory (Apr 9, 2006)
so long ago but such amazing water I just had to say wow
drawn in 2 hours 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
RokGolam (Oct 3, 2004)
i was bored
6 comments – latest 4:
Cordelia_Pink (Oct 5, 2004)
what's a meatwad?
Shmoopy (Oct 5, 2004)
Not a meatwad. Meatwad. From ATHF.
inatyrb (Oct 5, 2004)
oh man... not aqua teen hunger force again! my freinds are obseessed wit this.. not really but still... wow! that's a great pic man!
RokGolam (Oct 9, 2004)
drawn in 43 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Faul (Sep 26, 2004)
Got Oi?
5 comments – latest 4:
Cordelia_Pink (Oct 3, 2004)
I kinda thought this looked like Gumby! lol sorta... Oi? I don't think I got oi. hehe
Fin_beast (Oct 3, 2004)
This is one of the coolest things I have ever seen. :D
Anyway... it's tonberry, not thornberry.
Maiko (Oct 3, 2004)
Cactuar XD yarrr such a smecksay picture LoL
Neilo: Tonberry >_>
Neilo (Oct 4, 2004)
yer , off with yer heads scallywags , me be to busy for pirate filters .. .LOL
drawn in 6 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Anna (Oct 3, 2004)
11 comments – latest 4:
Gigge (Oct 6, 2004)
The colors are lovely. Just lovely.
Knockoff (Oct 13, 2004)
Ohh.. Though the sky is simple, the colors are great. Nice job, Anna!
Aubrey (Dec 12, 2004)
By Crikey I commented on this!! Why in the world does it not show! This is gorgeous Anna, you did a really fine job on all the little details :)
nozomii (Dec 12, 2004)
This is Lovely colors, great details. Wow.
drawn in 1 hour 30 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Anna (Oct 1, 2004)
Dea requested this. So here it is! This one was fun to do.
28 comments – latest 4:
Miharashi (Apr 16, 2007)
LOL the truth behind 'Safer Sex' xDDDD Dig how you gave the leaking fluid a blurred appearance to give the perception of speed. I also really enjoyed how you affectively captured the essence of fluid at the begining of the leak. Very believeable.

Paz contigo mi amiga.
Wraith (Jun 25, 2007)
axxido (Sep 4, 2010)
davincipoppalag (May 24, 2018)
Oh noooo a leaker
drawn in 1 hour 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
thug (Sep 29, 2004)
aaa g g ghosst...
6 comments – latest 4:
Kasha (Sep 29, 2004)
lol, poor Peewee Herman.

Classic, Thug
davincipoppalag (Sep 29, 2004)
You guys are all wrong..this is a picture thug took of himself that day that Marcello pulled his April Fool's joke and told us he shut 2draw down! Great picture mr thug!
Kloxboy (Sep 29, 2004)
Dude...I saw it and it all came back to me, what a great movie. Nice work.
spiritdweller (Sep 29, 2004)
Large Marge... nothing like her... that's my aunt... she makes home movies of herself singing, "It's all about me"...
drawn in 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Alex-Cooper (Sep 25, 2004)
First picture using any applet. Don't really know what I'm doing. It's a three-eyed mummy fiend.

*Edit: Finished. Thanks to whichever moderator beat me to the punch and gave me more space. You are most likely awesome.
16 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Sep 29, 2004)
ah..but you CAN! open the pic..copy the url and send a memo to one of the mods..paste the url into the message and ask for space to finish!
Aubrey (Sep 30, 2004)
Nice work Alex! I agree about it looking like he's taunting someone with their own eyeball lol Goofy and skeery at the same time :)
IkariIreuL (Oct 30, 2004)
I like a lot of undead alikes ^_^
And have a great comic book style
universalmathequation (Oct 26, 2005)
ohhh...he does like eating eyeballs. and hes not just some freaky being that stares and stares until his stare is so fierce that your eyes pop out of your head and stick to his like a magnet, and i slowly and painfully die because once my eyes are gone it leaves a burning sensation...kinda like when you dance. do the hustle! do do do do do do...
drawn in 2 hours 53 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Nagi (Sep 29, 2004)
A little waii Chibi Ava... T,T'
3 comments – latest 3:
bethica2001 (Sep 29, 2004)
whee! Chibi!
Cordelia_Pink (Sep 29, 2004)
Oooh how cute! I mean, 'kawaii'!! As well as very CHIBI! Great job! Reminds me of... um... some other anime and again, very cute!
Childlike_Vampire (Sep 29, 2004)
This rocks alot. :D
drawn in 43 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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