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Public Boards/Beginner 
CommaQueen (Jun 20, 2006)
This is Umehito Nekozawa and his cursed kitty voodoo doll hand-puppet thing called Bereznoff. They're from Ouran Host Club. I luff him.

Btw... this didn't really take me as long as it says (5 hrs and 25 mins according to the timer)--I had dinner, watched episode 11 of Ouran, did my LJ, DA, and etc when I needed a breather.

I like the way this came out--it's not perfect, but... I still like it. :3
5 comments – latest 4:
NOVEMBER93 (Jun 20, 2006)
i love it too. the rose looks very detailed and the cat looks very
Maiko (Jun 20, 2006)
I think his name is Belzeneff :0;;;
ee Nekozawa kun is so cute XD he's silly too.
CommaQueen (Jun 21, 2006)
I would agree with you, but both the manga and subbed anime have it spelled Bereznoff. :o It's probably one of those situations where the r sounds close enough to be an l but they don't switch it.

He's a lot of fun--I love how Bereznoff's facial expressions always mimics his. Or maybe it's the other way around.... O.o *dun dun dun*
Maiko (Jun 24, 2006)
well, in the anime they say "beruzenefu" and the manga has it written that way in katakana. :I

butanyway, I want to make a Belzeneff handpuppet =D= <3
drawn in 5 hours 25 min with PaintBBS
BX (Jun 23, 2006)
Um yeah. Spent a lil bit more time on this one, had fun doing it. In the lower left hand corner, that's his gun. Well, part of it. Kinda happy with it. Hope you guys like it. Enjoi.
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jun 23, 2006)
No offense but I thought it was a girl. I like the hair
Backstabbed_and_broken (Jun 23, 2006)
it looks nothing like a girl.. crits: great hair
BX (Jun 23, 2006)
o_O You know, at first glance it does look like a girl. Haha, I'll have to keep that in mind when Im drawing a guy next time. Thanks for the critiques.
CommaQueen (Jun 23, 2006)
I don't think he looks like a girl. Then again, I've played FF8.
drawn in 49 min with PaintBBS
Shiek (Jun 21, 2006)
He's a 'nekomancer'... get it.

5 comments – latest 4:
Natsuna (Jun 21, 2006)
@__@ Uhm.........Neko like cat...Geez..
Anyway I like this picture :3 Cheesey but awesome xD
CommaQueen (Jun 21, 2006)
I think it's wonderfully cute, in a cheezy kind of way. :3
Little Kid: Mommy, mommy.... whas that man doin to tha kitty?
Mother: Now, sweet heart, remember what I told you about not looking at the strange people...
SYTHE (Jun 21, 2006)
I hope you were kidding Musashi, otherwise you didn't "get it". Cute picture Shiek.
Sweetcell (edited Jun 21, 2006)
Until Natsuna clarified that Neko means cat (and all this time I thought they were candy wafers used on gingerbreads) I didn't get it either, but I enjoyed the picture. The shading for the folds and skin are well done Shiek.
drawn in 2 hours 27 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
peanuts707 (Jun 20, 2006)
umm can some one tell me how too use layers? plez i need a backrond can some one tell me how?
4 comments – latest 4:
Backstabbed_and_broken (Jun 20, 2006)
why are you yelling at peanuts leave them be
CommaQueen (Jun 20, 2006)
Layer 0 is the bottom layer--it's where you should make your basic sketching and where you later can do the background/color the figures. Layer 1 is the top layer--don't use this layer until you're ready to make your final lineart, because you can't erase--if you use the tools to white stuff out it'll block it on the bottom. Think about them as layers of plastic that, when you paint on them, are no longer translucent. Hope that helps. :3
peanuts707 (Jun 20, 2006)
drawn in 8 min
im done i think she dont got a body lol XD
Sweetcell (Jun 20, 2006)
CommaQueen I have to disagree. Use the main layer, the one you start out with, as your background, the next layer sketch your design, or the third it doesn't matter, but make sure your sketch is clear for you to get the shape to ink (line.) Next layer do the lineart by using the airbrush at med/low opacity and flow and make the lines thicker than you would, that way you can come back with the eraser on low to med/low opacity and shave the thickness down to what you want, not only do you get nice even lines this way but they're clean and very smooth. Make sure anti-alias is on. Then use another layer to color it in. Don't worry about going over the lines because you can erase the color that bled through (you also save your lineart.) You can get rid of your sketch layer now, unless your going to do a complicated background then you can use it as part of the background. I hope that makes sense. I always describe layers as tracing paper. You put tracing paper over an image you can trace that image and color it without ruining the original picture.

Hope that helps peanut. You'll find the layers on the left of the screen. Place you mouse over the icons and read what they are. The paper on the far left is the add layer tool.
drawn in 43 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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