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Public Boards/Advanced 
riccir (Apr 11, 2009)
here is the inspiration of my life. my true love..well Kat (Mingu) let me introduce you to i told you she thinks too little of her self and she didnt want me to show you her i show you this drawing of her..
And for the rest of the people that want to look at this portrait..the photo i used as a reference was taken by Tiffany Manning. a very talented photographer from JAX Florida
17 comments – latest 4:
enjoydotcom (May 1, 2009)
Aha, the evil blank page, that really is a pain!
elly (May 1, 2009)
This is really well done...sorry for your troubles with 'white out'!!
GoldDragonfly (May 2, 2009)
aww :/ i hope you can finish it ric...
DeaconJC (Jul 7, 2009)
Hey there, my Name Is Deacon JC. I am new to 2 Draw. I was Browsing at some of your Pictures, and I liked what I saw so far. I have a Question to ask, and that is would you, and could you Draw me a Picture, for my Podcast Show, and Web Site, of Servants Heart Productions, and THE MIDNIGHT CRY... this would mean alot to me, if you can. if you can't, that's fine too. please E-Mail me @, if you decide to do so... Thanks Again, Deacon JC.
drawn in 10 hours 53 min with Chicken Paint
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
SaiWataki and DoOp (Feb 1, 2009)
22 comments – latest 4:
titanium_rabbit (Jun 7, 2009)
eeeh i have to disagree, the eyes are too big and her hair is too unrealistic. overall i would rate this anime maybe a c-, thats being generous
SamiJ1000 (Jun 8, 2009)
You don't know crap, titty rabbit.
SaiWataki (edited Jun 8, 2009)
Now you listen to me, If you cant draw any, don't judge, because we dont care for those kinds of opinions around here.
If we did, we would go to Axil for them. xD
But we never need yours >:(
Neferiti (Aug 20, 2010)
Love this picture :) Envy you! :) Give us more art of yours :)
drawn in 4 hours 37 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
thesolarwinds (Apr 26, 2009)
So, critique welcome, just getting started on here again. What I wouldn't give for a tablet ^^;
13 comments – latest 4:
thesolarwinds (Apr 26, 2009)
That is true, I don't know. She could just have pitch black hair? The bg was the part I had the most fun with ;)
thesolarwinds (Apr 30, 2009)
drawn in 4 min
don't care about it anymore ^^:
firecracker (Apr 30, 2009)
Very nice finish......she still reminds me of "Cher"....."lol"!! :)
thesolarwinds (May 3, 2009)
lol! Me too, kind of.
drawn in 1 hour 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
elly (Apr 30, 2009)
I used to be quite intimidated by abstract painting but since I've gotten to know chibi, I can hardly draw anything else! o_O
4 comments – latest 4:
Bubblicious (Apr 30, 2009)
Looks like two tongues battling for dominance.. I think.
elly (Apr 30, 2009)
firecracker (Apr 30, 2009)
"Dueling tongues"!!!! "LOL"!! I just watched a "Dueling Banjos" video the other night.....this "pic" makes me think of it....hahahaaa!!! :D
davincipoppalag (May 1, 2009)
Its relaxing and fun
drawn in 30 min with Chicken Paint
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Need major help
Bubblicious (edited Apr 30, 2009)
Okay, so my pen just quit on me yesterday. It's weird, I think it hates me. It's taunting me, moving the cursor around like it normally should, but it absolutely refuses to click on what I want. I can't even draw! Not to mention, the pen eraser end works fine. I tried removing the nub or nib, whatever you want to call it, I'm going to call it the white pointer thingy, (sounds so wrong, lol), and leaving out for twenty four hours. AND I tried to remove and replace it. I dont understand why the d...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
QTgillie (Apr 24, 2009)
Watched a movie this eve with this fellow.
14 comments – latest 4:
elly (Apr 30, 2009)
Great coloring! Wow, QT, you've really been whippin' 'em out lately!!
QTgillie (Apr 30, 2009)
Elly_ just had several sitting in my unfinished drawer and decided to clean my drawer out....LOL
Sorry SaIWataki, he had been posted a while back and no one had guessed, so I decided to post who he was.....Nice specimen, isn't he?
backmagicwoman (May 1, 2009) least your drawers are
CarmineDawn (May 2, 2009)
ummmmmm not obama?
great pic btw
drawn in 3 hours 27 min with Chicken Paint
QTgillie (Apr 8, 2009)
everyone, do not leave your teeth to chance....I have waited tooooooo long for a check up and I am paying for it now.....both physically and monetarilly.
May work on this more, but probly not...
18 comments – latest 4:
QTgillie (Apr 10, 2009)
yes, if you dont have insurance. hubby does tho, but limited to 1000 per year and I think there is a deductable also.
elly (Apr 30, 2009)
We pay for dentist visits ourselves as our insurance doesn't include dental, unless you want to pay the ins co. out the ying yang! I go for cleanings every 4 months instead of every 6. I was just like you in my teen years and early 20's so I've had my fair share of saying 'aahhhhhhh'. I've pulled some of my own teeth out but they were baby teeth!! I had the scraping done, called 'scaling' and that's NOT a fun ordeal! Ever since that I vowed to take care of my teeth/gums! Great job on the draw, QT!! Happy flossing! =)
Bubblicious (Apr 30, 2009)
My mom tells me to floss... I still dont, and my mom's insurance for her new job just kicked in, so I think I'm going to visit the dentist soon. I hope I dont. Doesn't sound fun, like at all... I'll try to find some floss, maybe even steal some from my mom.
QTgillie (Apr 30, 2009)
good you two.....Bubble, I decided I like the Crest Glide. I does't shread like some others. I had bad teeth in college, got all of that fixed and took extremely good care of them from college until when we left Willmar, which I did not want to do. Got depressed and stopped caring about anything and put off getting a dentist. Now I am paying for my stupidity!
drawn in 2 hours 42 min with Chicken Paint
QTgillie (Apr 25, 2009)
9 comments – latest 4:
QTgillie (Apr 30, 2009)
thanks all, still driving me crazy, not what I intended at all. Spent way too much time already.
Aakyra (Apr 30, 2009)
This is gorgeous QT!
elly (Apr 30, 2009)
Oh I so love this, QT! I'd REALLY love to see you put more detail in but I'm sure you never want to look at a tiny petaled flower again!!! LOL This is quite beautiful as it is now!! One of my total fav's of yours!
QTgillie (Apr 30, 2009)
thanks Aakyra and Elly. Elly, I went back and fourth from more detail to more muted and I have gotten frustrated with it. Here is the credit to the photographer's link from DeviantArt.
Gentle critique welcome.
drawn in 3 hours 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
jpjp1052 (Apr 30, 2009)
19 comments – latest 4:
jpjp1052 (May 2, 2009)
First "Socialist" president describes him better than anything else.
Roytje (May 2, 2009)
Even a pig painting turns into a Obama discussion here.

But hey, nice painting.
backmagicwoman (May 2, 2009)
My sister has five children of mexican and white mixed and three of them look like they are white and the other two look like they are mexican..and my other sister has four children who are mixed with white and black and they look more black than white......personally I believe we are all mixed with something down the it' really doesn't matter...
JK-Arts (May 15, 2009)
I think Color has nothing to do with anything that should be political and it is a shame to me that people judge-another-by-color/race, refering to any persons charactorist as a person with or without a demener. "In those eyes who see only my color, shall those eyes only recieve what is only skued and may they blink so thier ears hear the truth." (JK-Arts)
If i couldn't be any more relative I like the pigs color it comes off pleasant so i supposed it is a nice pig and it wouldn't snap at me when i tell it "Doctor i have no health insurence" !
drawn in 56 min with Chicken Paint
backmagicwoman (Mar 31, 2009)
I strongly suggest not trying to draw while eating biscuits and gravy...will finish soon..
7 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Apr 30, 2009)
drawn in 1 hour 30 min
Oh well..I need space in my this is as finished as it's gonna get...k..
davincipoppalag (Apr 30, 2009)
Pretty cool looking
firecracker (Apr 30, 2009)
I agree.....very cool looking.....:)
xsi639 (Jun 12, 2009)
nice work*.*....realy good shapes^.^
drawn in 2 hours 57 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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