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Public Boards/Intermediate 
TheCrimsonKing (Feb 15, 2010)
13 comments – latest 4:
TheCrimsonKing (Feb 16, 2010)
haha, I love the fact that you searched for it.
mursku (Feb 16, 2010)
bobstained - thanks for the link, but, but that can't be real. can it? o_O
drawn in 1 hour 9 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
Flubbles (Jul 3, 2008)
8 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (edited Jul 8, 2008)
Ugly things, but you did a good job as usual. It's that to me that stands out.

EDIT: Meant to say it's that EYE that's stands out. *doh*
Flubbles (Aug 1, 2008)
I think they look cute myself!
Bobstained (Feb 13, 2010)
Check this out.
madscientist (Feb 13, 2010)
Great work and fine details! The feathers and the eye are awesome!
drawn in 7 hours 28 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
why the hell cant i draw with a mouse?!?
ebony_virtuoso920 (edited Jan 22, 2010)
every time i try to do a detailed drawing i always end up it up with an involutary click or arm twitch... anyone?
Public Boards/Intermediate 
23 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (Feb 10, 2010)
I agree with everyone.....this is really a great draw!! :)
staci (Feb 10, 2010)
OH OH such controversy! Gosh, people with different opinions, stirring up in the machine! Oh and get your head out of your 'bum' Peter, you know you're damn amazing at what you do, the point is, not everyone has to be LIKE what YOU do to be considered 'good'.
Flubbles (Feb 11, 2010)
People think i'm trying to be negative when i make comments, when i'm just offering my opinion to try and help people improve, i'm not saying my opinion is right it's just an opinion like everybody elses.
dotdalidot (Feb 11, 2010)
This is really nice. I love the water.
drawn in 2 hours 17 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Advanced 
elly (Dec 30, 2009)
Is everyone over their New Year hangovers and ready to have some bubbly with me?? ;p
There's a lot about this one I'm not too happy with...mainly the water. learn...cheers!
16 comments – latest 4:
elly (Jan 8, 2010)
champagne and orange juice on ice! Yuuuummy!!
alicedemone (Jan 9, 2010)
Looks great! Love the motion in this picture
dorothyblueeyes (Jan 10, 2010)
yeah, it's perfect, great motion
bette_davis_eyes (Feb 10, 2010)
Wow!! this is absolutely wonderful elly... I just love it :)
drawn in 9 hours 16 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
mursku (Feb 8, 2010)
ref from
hmm.. perspective turned up a bit screwy :(
12 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Feb 9, 2010)
I think the rest of it is beautiful, i was just saying that the hut could look a little better.
Suntan (Feb 9, 2010)
I'm just saying that I'm very happy you joined here. :)
backmagicwoman (Feb 9, 2010)
Yes..always happy to have new members...very nice picture indeed..:)
mursku (edited Feb 9, 2010)
thanks guys for the comments :D
Suntan - heh, its just luck that i joined here :D i was fed up with OekakiCentral and wanted to try some other oekaki site. i found this other oekaki site where i sent my registration application, but while waiting for my confirmation email, i found this site and i didn't need to wait for any administrator to begin drawing oekakis :D and also this site looks to be more active than the other one, so, yay!
Bobstained - ah you meant that. heh, the hut does look does look a bit rubbish, doesn't it, but then to my eye so does the horizon line too. I meant to just do a quick 20-30 minute landscape study, and then i ended so frustrated with getting the sea to look even halfway decent.. and as for the hut, thats my second try to draw the hut and it still looks like that... for my excuse i can say that i didn't understand the form of the hut from looking at the reference picture... it just looked to me like a haphazard bunch of sticks, so thats how it pretty much ended...
and besides guys, i made this in the beginner section, im sure this will be lost quickly enough in the flood of other posts that are made in this section. When i post in the intermediate or advanced boards i will take more time to draw.

everybody else, sorry for not replying, but im really slow at writing stuff and i really need to go back to drawing (or should i say painting?) this nude in the advanced board. It will be awesome! :D
drawn in 1 hour 24 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Bobstained (Jan 22, 2010)
16 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Jan 24, 2010)
I guess I figured it was ok since your'e her son and you stared at her tits for 7 hours.
firecracker (Jan 24, 2010)
Your "mum" seems like a really cool person...."lol"!! :P
Bobstained (Feb 8, 2010)
drawn in 25 min
Finish off later need the room.
cyclops (Feb 8, 2010)
nice finish.
drawn in 9 hours 18 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Flubbles (Feb 3, 2010)
9 comments – latest 4:
enjoydotcom (Feb 4, 2010)
I bet it'll be smooth as a baby's bottom when he's finished.
vlad.the.hamster (Feb 5, 2010)
Of course. This is flubs we're talking about. :)
Flubbles (Feb 6, 2010)
drawn in 40 min
Finish later
Bobstained (Feb 7, 2010)
Does it look any smoother?
drawn in 3 hours 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
lovemeso (Jan 21, 2010)
8 comments – latest 4:
Bubblicious (edited Feb 1, 2010)
'Cuz in the other picture they were wine bottles.
Bobstained (Feb 1, 2010)
Can you leave a link to the drawing because i've been to her deviantart and i cant find it.
lovemeso (Feb 1, 2010)
uh, not specifying on wut type of bottles they are, and i dont have the link, and that thing was just for practice, im not claiming it as my , thingie
Bubblicious (edited Feb 1, 2010)
It's the picture in the bottom right corner of the page. Here's the picture
drawn in 50 min with Chicken Paint
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
iPad + Brushes...thoughts?
marcello (Jan 28, 2010)
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