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Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Mar 25, 2010)
10 comments – latest 4:
lori (edited Mar 26, 2010)
well I wasn't pissy to begin with... then I got pissy when you called me pissy 'cause you keep calling me pissy just to piss me off
Bobstained (Mar 26, 2010)
I know i'm a meanie.
lori (Mar 26, 2010)
viscious lemme tell ya
Axil62 (Sep 2, 2010)
I farted a minute ago and it smelled exactly like shit.
drawn in 16 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Sep 1, 2010)
It's so easy to lose my touch... sigh
24 comments – latest 4:
LifeGotColour (Sep 5, 2010)
Tulips are my favorite. Wonderful drawing
shults (Sep 5, 2010)
Tulips are of my favorites, but only in gardens. They seemed trapped in vases.
backmagicwoman (Sep 5, 2010)
Sometimes with beautiful things containment is necessary.
staci (edited Jun 23, 2012)
drawn in 44 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Aug 26, 2010)
13 comments – latest 4:
rosalyn (Aug 26, 2010)
And that's how he got the virgin herpes.
Flubbles (Aug 26, 2010)
Im thoughtful like that.
backmagicwoman (edited Aug 26, 2010)
Yes, I know thats why they were in caps..he knows I was just shittin with him..thats how we do round here. AINT THAT RIGHT WILLY BALLS!
adxaidl3692 (Aug 30, 2010)
LOL at axil
drawn in 10 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Scheduled Downtime
marcello (edited Aug 26, 2010)
Update: We're back! The 2draw server host is going under some brief maintenance. According to the guys upstairs...
The maintenance and reboot is scheduled for Thursday, August 26, 2010 at 11:00 PM CDT (Friday, August 27th 2010 0400 GMT/UTC). The total impact of the maintenance and reboot is expected to be brief (30 minutes or less), however, it is possible (as is always the case when performing maintenance) that it may stretch longer than anticipated.
With any luck,...
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Aug 20, 2010)
14 comments – latest 4:
Roytje (Aug 22, 2010)
That are some great, realistic textures.
Alter.Native (Aug 23, 2010)
What Roy said.
Axil62 (Aug 25, 2010)
Shults, I used the gradient fill tool
Suntan (Aug 25, 2010)
sad to see summer go..this is great.
drawn in 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Axil62 (Aug 16, 2010)
4 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Aug 18, 2010)
10 more, please.
Axil62 (Aug 19, 2010)
does everyone else hate windows 7 too?
shults (Aug 19, 2010)
After having vista anything's better. :)
Dr.Moony (Aug 19, 2010)
I like Windows 7.
Do you have trouble disabling the delay of your tablet input?
drawn in 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
Flubbles (Aug 9, 2010)
23 comments – latest 4:
madscientist111 (Aug 21, 2010)
Beautiful draw! Excellent play of light and shadows!
Alter.Native (Aug 23, 2010)
Great stuff!
Lideeh (Aug 24, 2010)
love it
drobert486 (Aug 25, 2010)
truly awesome work....your patience and attention to detail is amazing!!
drawn in 3 hours 26 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
padmooks and Flubbles (Jun 17, 2010)
so it begins
37 comments – latest 4:
padmooks (Aug 16, 2010)
nobuddy1997 (Dec 23, 2010)
why put a dick on a girl?
padmooks (Dec 25, 2010)
why waste them on men
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 26, 2010)
I had a roommate, for a while, (just platonic) who was a "transexual," and this reminds me of that. I referred to "him" as "her",and "she" dressed as a woman all the time. But, "she" had a straight female girlfriend. (And she fooled around with men--other transexuals. ) I was very liberal minded at the time. But, it was confusing. "She" wore nylons, and had nice legs. But you had to realize, it was really a guy. (She wouldn't pay for the utilities, and the other roommate and I got on her case for that,and she finally left.) The landlord (who was a real schmuck anyhow) got annoyed, when I referred to "her" as a "she" and refused to go along with the charade. "IT'S A GUY!"

But I talked to "her" other transexual friends, when they came over; they liked straight women. Talk about a confused bunch;nice enough guys, but they even said, they got confused. They regularly dressed in drag, in bars,and straight men thought they were women, and approached them; when they realized it was a guy, the "she" told me, they did not care,and went ahead and propositioned them anyway. However, when hostiley confronted in a bar, the one said, when "she" was dressed all up as a fairy, the fairy got very angry, threw a hissy fit, and got into a fight with the guy. "She" had a photograph of the whole thing, the dressed up fairy, throwing a huge angry fit,and getting into that fight. Very interesting.

Yeah, put a dress and heels, ect., on the above photo,and you might get confused too. Very good painting, yes, there must be some way to make the "extreme" pix unavailable to the kids who come here. So, guys, there are really people who look similar to this, or close. Not kidding. I've seen them.
This is hidden because it is rated Extreme. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 4 hours 40 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Aug 9, 2010)
5 comments – latest 4:
cyclops (Aug 9, 2010)
been there done that.
Axil62 (Aug 9, 2010)
AHHHH HAA! HAA!! HA! HA!! WHOOOOOOOO HOOOO! YEAH!! See because.... lick...and then... it's all... see..
firecracker (Aug 9, 2010)
"Barfff"!!! Lolzzz :P
adxaidl3692 (Aug 11, 2010)
drawn in 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
TheCrusader (Aug 8, 2010)
8 comments – latest 4:
pawillie (Aug 9, 2010)
(corection) correction
TheCrusader (Aug 9, 2010)
I did the mistake on purpose, :P
pawillie (Aug 9, 2010)
thought so but should have asked, sorry
TheCrusader (Aug 10, 2010)
No need to apologize, was not very clear any way, :D
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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