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Public Boards/Beginner 
Dr.Moony (Dec 9, 2010)
3 comments – latest 3:
Axil62 (edited Dec 9, 2010)
At first I thought, yeah whatever about these. But I have to say now, these are good. I would recommend this exercise to anyone who wants to improve.
davincipoppalag (Dec 9, 2010)
This one looks like a retainer for a blockhead.. a well drawn one
lori (Dec 10, 2010)
I like this one lots.
drawn in 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Axil62 (Dec 7, 2010)
Since I don't like cabbage, I hope Santa brings me a meatloaf patch kid.
9 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Dec 7, 2010)
Thanks yall....this was like the hardest oekaki I ever did...thanks!
Axil62 (Dec 8, 2010)
Take a bow. You.... you've earned it.
backmagicwoman (Dec 8, 2010)
Wow!..thanks....:-)...this was my piece de resistanonsense.
drawn in 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Dec 8, 2010)
people come and people go. some grow young and some grow old.
4 comments – latest 4:
lori (Dec 8, 2010)
this is cute
Axil62 (Dec 8, 2010)
Thank you, Lori. :)
backmagicwoman (Dec 8, 2010)
Yeah, thanks LORI...
I love this because it reminds me so much of ''where The Sidewalk Ends''...the illustration is so similar.
5p00k3n5t31n (Dec 10, 2010)
i was totally thinking of "where the sidewalk ends" too. very nicely done.
drawn in 18 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 7, 2010)
making fun of "The Nightmare before Xmas"
8 comments – latest 4:
lori (Dec 8, 2010)
I'm not throwin any kinda hissy fit
Miss_DJ (Dec 8, 2010)
bmw and have to stay after class. Lori, let's go get some ice cream. love all of you! Christmastime is here...everybody hum the Charlie Brown Christmas song... ♥
backmagicwoman (Dec 8, 2010)
Hey!....i don't wanna..wait, do we get to draw on the chalkboard?....WOOO HOOO!!!
Suntan (Dec 11, 2010)
this is awesome, dorothy, I can see the figures cutout and freestanding. i like your work.
drawn in 1 hour 47 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/The Post Board 
This is cool
Miss_DJ (Sep 10, 2009)
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Miss_DJ (Nov 30, 2010)
This story and picture weren't able to be deleted, or I would have deleted them. After Flubbles last comment, the memory is far too spiritual and wonderful to be have verbal excrement shat onto it.
20 comments – latest 4:
elly (Dec 7, 2010)
I feel the effect immensly missDJ! I love the memory as much as your illustration about it! Christmas blessings to you and yours =)
Miss_DJ (Dec 7, 2010)
thanks, Lori and's one of my favorite memories! Axil, I know..I'm not too worked up about it. wink.
Flubbles (edited Dec 8, 2010)
Thats not fair, making Axil feel all bad. Then winking at him like it was all a big joke, you should feel ashamed of yourself. That little boy took time out from pissing his bed to make you them wonderful little origami birds.
lynx3jumper (Dec 13, 2010)
all i have to say is woooooooah! awesome!!!!!
drawn in 3 hours 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Miss_DJ (Dec 5, 2010)
19 comments – latest 4:
Wraith (Dec 11, 2010)
Let me tell you, start off with acrylic paint if you do. I did my first painting with oil, and it was a pain in the ass. Paint all over my hands, trying to clean brushes, it was a mess.
Jessor (Dec 26, 2010)
wow. people would pay good money to have work like this hung on their walls.
shults (Jan 9, 2011)
After a month, I love it even more.
Miss_DJ (Jan 9, 2011)
Thanks, shults!! ♥
drawn in 1 hour 54 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
mikron (May 2, 2009)
6 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (May 2, 2009)
Very nice.......but who is "Bibi"!!! :)
davincipoppalag (edited May 2, 2009)
Isnt he prime minister someplace? yea Benjamin Netanyahu
Miss_DJ (Dec 5, 2010)
I thought this was davincipoppalag's. nice
Axil62 (Dec 6, 2010)
Why would you think that? Dave can't draw.
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
dorothyblueeyes (Nov 29, 2010)
Yes, we almost got blown up, except for the FBI,in Portland,Oregon,and hundreds of kids would have died,not to mention parents.Whew!!Who ever said,"the kids are alright"? (I knew someone here would find this offensive,cause black comedy,or sarcastic humour is not widely accepted in the world.Unless you're in the middleeast,making cartoons of Jews. I'm not apologizing for this,either, cause I'm just calling it like we see it here. If it were not for the FBI sooner or later this "kid"would have blown up people in Oregon,when he got old enough to get it all together.The Thurston High killer was not ok,nor were the Columbine ones,nor the Oklahoma bombers, so neither is this one. In America, plenty of Liberals make fun of Christians and Southerners all the time, so it's not like it does not go on,on the other side too. Making jokes, even bad ones,is how I often handle bad stuff; make wise cracks, ect. The atmosphere here,in this state, is not good now. )
63 comments – latest 4:
lori (Dec 6, 2010)
just don't forget that you're always being watched ooooooooooooooooooo
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 17, 2010)
Hm..."big brother is watching you" is a problem now; my friend in St. Joseph, Michigan, says in that area,they have spy cameras everywhere all the time, on the whole place, taking security surveillance. Ugh. Supposed to be, so they catch crime. Still, it sounds lousy.

The other thing that contributes to all this friction, is the world is too SMALL NOW. Everyone wants the same land, the same resources, the same food, the same work, jobs, manufacturing. There are too many people, and too few of those resources. What international experts are afraid of, is WW3 would come because all the biggest nations want the same oil, and we'll all go to war, to get it. I guess we are already.

On the other hand, global warming may solve our problems; the weather and lack of land, (due to flooding) and lack of useable water, will get rid of a lot of the population. They expect the hot areas to turn into deserts, and the cold area,s to get colder and colder, and wetter. The planet is getting a lot less habitable. So, that may whittle down the populations. At least the wars might get smaller.
lori (Dec 18, 2010)
I meant God is always watching.
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 23, 2010)
Ahh, "God".He/she/it/them means different things to different people; but it is pretty much the same God. (I just heard the most perverse David Letterman "Top Ten signs it's xmas time in NYC", ha ha, pretty bad.) Those of us who are older,even in their 50;s or 60's, have to start thinking about "what's it going to be like,to die,and be dead?What happens? Where do i go??" and it's on my mind, once in a while. if you had a really tough life, and it looks like a lot of people here, have, then you might ask, "Ok, I had a tough life,it was hard,and now I'm going to die; PHOOEY!!"

I have decided, before I kick the bucket some day, to go to a good hypnotist,with a friend along,and try to find out if there is any factual evidence to the theory of re-encarnation or not. Yeah, try to "get regressed." If there is nothing there, upstairs, except me, fine. But if there are any past lives, I just want to know about them. It's something I've always been curious about, so I think I'll do that, just "look to see if anything else is there." Then, I can go with my curiosity satisfied.
drawn in 1 hour 38 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
Axil62 (Dec 4, 2010)
Commonly referred to as the "Fart sandwich" whereas the buttocks are the "buns" and of course the fart itself would then be the actual inner sandwich material. Refer to the brilliant illustration you see above.
22 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Dec 5, 2010)
Years ago my grandad was asleep in his armchair and farted so loud he woke himself up thought the germans were bombing again.
Roytje (Dec 5, 2010)
Hahaha :)
adxaidl3692 (Dec 6, 2010)
All this talk has been a real gas!
backmagicwoman (Dec 6, 2010)
you guys are so gross...i'm too delicate for such talk..
drawn in 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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