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Public Boards/Intermediate 
dorothyblueeyes (Feb 24, 2010)
boy,does that water color give me trouble;juust not used to paint,anymore.I need models to paint,draw,sick of my brain fever imagining them;I have a photo of a real bobcat,but it's too small to copy.well,will try to find models.
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Feb 24, 2010)
looks painted, pretty cool
firecracker (Feb 25, 2010)
"lolz"'re the crazy one axil.....I just like to come here and draw pics.....that doesn't make me crazy.....that makes me an "artist wannabe".....hahahaaa!! :P
Purplemartin (Feb 26, 2010)
I like this one, kind of impressionistic.
dorothyblueeyes (Mar 5, 2010)
drawn in 51 sec
drawn in 1 hour 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
fun little thing to do
Dr.Moony (Mar 4, 2010)
Quickly sketching people on Chatroulette with them seeing your desktop. image I did not have my tablet around.
Public Boards/Intermediate 
lynnandcharlie (Mar 2, 2010)
36 comments – latest 4:
enirroc (Apr 19, 2010)
I think you've gotten remarkably better since you've joined the site. I suggest you just keep practicing and draw more and more. If you'd like to expand your style, you can study the work of others, carefully analyze how they draw things, the brush strokes, the use of light, the color scheme, everything. Start out slow with easier types of paintings to try and work from. I've learned that if you start with hard pieces as references, no matter how determined you are, unless you've got the needed amount of skill, there's a good chance you'll just end up real unhappy and frustrated with your result. At least that's what happens to me. Challenging yourself can be good though. You could research some different styles of art, and do a painting for each. I should do that myself, I'd like to improve my work as well and work more out of my comfort zone. Like I said before though, you're improving quite a lot by the day, so I'm sure you've achieve your goals of expanding your style. =)
lynnandcharlie (Apr 19, 2010)
thanks enirroc
Flubbles (Apr 19, 2010)
The novelty soon wears off.
lynnandcharlie (edited Apr 19, 2010)
LOLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ flubbles you read everything thats written?
drawn in 3 hours 11 min with Chicken Paint
Miss_DJ (Mar 2, 2010)
for Him.

In order to understand the significance of the folded napkin, you have to understand a little bit about Hebrew tradition of that day. The folded napkin had to do with the Master and Servant, and every Jewish boy knew this tradition. When the servant set the dinner table for the master, he made sure that it was exactly the way the master wanted it. The table was furnished perfectly, and then the servant would wait, just out of sight, until the master had finished eating, and the servant would not dare touch that table, until the master was finished. Now if the master was done eating, he would rise from the table, wipe his fingers, his mouth, and clean his beard, and would wad up that napkin and toss it onto the table. The servant would then know to clear the table. For in those days, the wadded napkin meant, "I'm done". But if the master got up from the table, and folded his napkin, and laid it beside his plate, the
servant would not dare touch the table, because.......... The folded napkin meant, "I'm coming back!"

Jesus is coming back.
87 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Mar 6, 2010)
Believing everything that can't be proven, and believing in God are two entirely different ideas in my heart and mind. I have a relationship with God that is unmistakably real here and now. I have daily proof in my life that He is...and always was, "I AM."
marcello (Mar 6, 2010)
hard to argue with that. ;)
Flubbles (Mar 6, 2010)
If god really does exist, then who here can conclusively give me evidence i cannot dispute? i'm not saying i dont believe in god, i've just never been given any concrete evidence of his existence.
Axil62 (Mar 6, 2010)
See? You are persuing Him.
drawn in 38 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
mursku (Feb 16, 2010)
i was thinking that i might learn more from copying some great paintings instead of fotos.
For my first one, i chose one of my favorite artists, Josh Kirby, to copy from. He was a really great artist, but its a bit difficult to find a good painting from him to copy, as he tended to do those really detailed paintings (especially on the Discworld books)
for reference i chose one of his simpler paintings:
34 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Feb 4, 2012)
Where did Mursku go? I quite enjoyed his stuff.
dorothyblueeyes (Feb 6, 2012)
wonderful! love it.
mustachio123 (Feb 13, 2012)
wow...this is amazing!!! I love the theme...again...amazing!
davincipoppalag (May 15, 2017)
front page
drawn in 5 hours 51 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Zero_Lemons (Feb 25, 2010)
13 comments – latest 4:
TumblingUpwards (Feb 26, 2010)
I did a photo shoot of a bunch of goats last summer, I have a shot very similar to this one but the colors really give this fella a sweet look. Beautifully drawn!
Roytje (Feb 26, 2010)
Very awesome.
backmagicwoman (Feb 26, 2010)
Very awesome indeed...:)
cpomaybo (Feb 26, 2010)
love this goat, noms colors
drawn in 1 hour 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Axil62 (Feb 24, 2010)
31 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Feb 25, 2010)
Birdies were singing here, too. Such a lovely thing that is! With soft raindrops singin backup vocals.
jekyll (Feb 25, 2010)
I love leaves in the wind, pictures of my friends, birds in the world.... and squirrels
mursku (Feb 25, 2010)
whoa! awesome work, and you worked pretty fast too :)
shell (Mar 6, 2010)
I love this and hate you for it.
drawn in 58 min with Chicken Paint
xswirvex (Feb 24, 2010)
anyone having a glass of milk?
16 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Feb 25, 2010)
But whats the first sign of space madness?
backmagicwoman (Feb 25, 2010)
Screaming uncontrollably in a wide open space of course.
mika78 (Feb 25, 2010)
Oh ooh, Ren&Stimpy! I love 'em.. love the cow tits too btw :)
drawn in 45 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Flubbles (Feb 22, 2010)
34 comments – latest 4:
Teapot (Feb 24, 2010)
It's so pretty and dewy-looking. I dunno. Might be dangerous to glamorize a bottle holder, could start a flaunting trend. Soon young men with pretty bottle holders will walk the streets wearing strangely designed trousers with the ass cut out. Oh, wait. They already do that in San Francisco. Nevermind.
Bobstained (Feb 24, 2010)
I think i've performed miricles to make it look pretty, afterall it is an asshole.
shell (edited Mar 14, 2012)
cyclops (Aug 8, 2010)
there should be little beady eyes looking out from the darkness.
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 1 hour 49 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
cpomaybo (Feb 23, 2010)
10 comments – latest 4:
Layne (Feb 24, 2010)
Very fun style :) love it.
Teapot (Feb 24, 2010)
What a fun drawing. Trying to figure out what the monument is a monument of, exactly. Does look like a pig with big hair...but then there seems to be kind of a squirrel tail, too. That sky has made my day. I don't want to talk about yard cleanup and trees.
Axil62 (Feb 24, 2010)
I think it's a monument to book burning
Flubbles (Feb 24, 2010)
I've been secretly admiring her style, it's free and loose and looks like it comes really natural to her.
drawn in 1 hour 2 min with Chicken Paint
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