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Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Art Suplies problem
NekoChibi (Aug 13, 2009)
Up in till a couple years ago my family realized that I enjoy doing art (mostly anime). I'm not the best at it, and there a still a lot of tools I am clueless of. So all I ever got for gifts was loads of art tool's and stuff. The problem is, I don't have any good use for them and I don't have the time to research them and stuff. So I have more than 150 oil pastels, and pretty much every color. But I'm the one who can use them to THE LEAST EXTENT. I also have a whole art kit with paints, pastels...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
17 comments – latest 4:
QTgillie (Aug 23, 2009)
this is really quite good.
elly (Aug 23, 2009)
nice work there newby! Welcome =)
Cameo (Aug 23, 2009)
Welcome! Well done! ;o)
azure15 (Aug 23, 2009)
wow shes beautiful! Great job!
drawn in 2 hours with Chicken Paint
Axil62 (Aug 21, 2009)
21 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (Aug 22, 2009)
Soooo.....What's up with this "pee" stuff......I don't "get it"....."lol"!! :D
Miss_DJ (Aug 22, 2009)
wonderful, innocent security personified
Flubbles (Aug 22, 2009)
firecracker (Aug 22, 2009)
I like what you said "MissDj"......I'd like to think that the "meaning" behind this "pic" is about feeling "secure".....not about what some people said about "peeing" on each other......thats' so "warped". I think axil said that. I think you are a great artist axil.....but sometimes you say things that sound so "warped" offense meant.....I'm just stating a fact.
drawn in 1 hour 27 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Aug 17, 2009)
17 comments – latest 4:
Peripherals (Aug 21, 2009)
"Mood for a Day"
Axil62 (Aug 21, 2009)
Who said you could go snooping around my gallery?
Miss_DJ (Aug 21, 2009)
Firecracker, the verse I wrote is part of the lyrics from a Yes song called, Yours is No Disgrace. I wish I had written it!
firecracker (Aug 22, 2009)
I never heard that song before....I'll have to go to youtube and see if I can find it.
drawn in 16 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
zep (Aug 20, 2009)
10 comments – latest 4:
lori (Aug 21, 2009)
hmm, what ever will zep think of next? :) very creative
backmagicwoman (Aug 21, 2009)
I love it Flubbles..that link is funny..
zep (Aug 21, 2009)
thanks a lot people!...long time no see!!

drawn in 1 hour 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/The Post Board 
Funny, distasteful clips
Miss_DJ (edited Aug 19, 2009)
Public Boards/Intermediate 
brokenrose (Jul 27, 2009)
12 comments – latest 4:
Roytje (edited Aug 21, 2009)
I like the fact that the light comes from everywhere.
backmagicwoman (Aug 21, 2009)
ROFL...yep pretty much Axil..
dotdalidot (Aug 21, 2009)
very prettyyy.
firecracker (Aug 21, 2009)
This is makes me think of Spanish flamenco dancing. I love that red dress. :)
drawn in 3 hours 30 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/The Post Board 
A crazy thing
Axil62 (edited Aug 18, 2009)
I heard that if you fill a plastic sandwich baggie halfway up with water and put a few pennies in it and then hang it in a window, it'll keep flies away. I didn't believe it, and then I did it anyway. I hung it up in the window in the computer room. There hasn't been one fly in here ever since. Sometimes I like to kneel on the bench under the window and rest my elbows on the window sill and hang out the window and smoke like some kind of whore in Berlin or something and feel the breeze and watch...
Public Boards/Beginner 
lovemeso (Aug 20, 2009)
2 comments – latest 2:
Axil62 (Aug 20, 2009)
eez good.
firecracker (Aug 20, 2009)
Very pretty.....I like it. :)
drawn in 11 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Miss_DJ (Jul 15, 2009)
This head brought to you in part by John Carpenter's, "The Thing." Which plays in my head from time to time.
13 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Aug 20, 2009)
I had a customer at work accuse me of not giving him his hotdog that he totally didn't pay for and he said I was a liar....won't go into details..but I almost got fired that rude is that?
lori (Aug 20, 2009)
rude >:/
Flubbles (Aug 20, 2009)
Got nuff phat booty hoes blood, yo... cum round ma yard an tap sum of dat ass.
Axil62 (Aug 20, 2009)
yeah,yeah...slap dat faddass an ride da waves yo....
drawn in 5 hours 29 min with Chicken Paint
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