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Public Boards/Beginner 
davincipoppalag (Apr 7, 2006)
A bit of playing
21 comments – latest 4:
Mocha_Bean (Apr 10, 2006)
LMAO! This reminds me of ET and this dream I had about know when he says "ET phone home" and points with his pointer finger? Well in my dream he used his middle
hi1022 (Apr 19, 2006)
ET! HOMG! ET rocks!!

Awesome pic! 8DDDD
laurael (Apr 22, 2006)
Okay...really like the shine in his eye...but this is totally freakin weird...interesting, but definitely...weird. Who's he flipping off? (probably 'me'
Agoylis (May 19, 2006)
drawn in 47 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Noremac (Apr 18, 2006)
kit cam wanted to come out.
feeling way too human lately
8 comments – latest 4:
Agoylis (edited May 13, 2006)
ever since i knew i him hes been like this and hes like tony always causing me pain
and brytani just look down
inatyrb (May 16, 2006)
Yeah.. but mines gone away... Since Ive gotten with Alex... I went down.. I'mma cry. My world is gone. Lol. Jk... And i do enjoy this picture a lot btw.
Agoylis (edited May 17, 2006)
aaaaaaawww pooor brytani your GIANT boobs went away (no wonder alex wanted to just "touch" mine) lol
picture looks funny
inatyrb (May 19, 2006)
Naw... they came back.. all is good... Erm... Boobs???
drawn in 1 hour 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
artguy79 (May 6, 2006)
Sherman tank and troops clear the way through europe in WW2.
2 comments – latest 2:
Agoylis (May 9, 2006)
dude looks like those little army men that i played with
back in the day
great job
SYTHE (May 12, 2006)
Wow I had no idea that Hasboro had a hand in WW2. Was the Axis of Power; Lego, Hasboro and Mattel? They were batteling the evil Fisherprice Empire.
drawn in 1 hour 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
I take drawing requests
chryztal (May 4, 2006)
if you need a helping hand in designing your characters - manga style, err.. ok i'll try to take non-manga related requests. guess i might be of any help ^_^ just contact me here ( and you can visit mah art site for samples of mah artworks () I SUGGEST YOU READ FIRST what's in mah forum to make everything clear: () HERE'S A SAMPLE OF MAH DRAWING:
Public Boards/Intermediate 
lamamo (Apr 6, 2006)
Should i get rid of the tongue?
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Apr 6, 2006)
Very intricate work here..
Opium (Apr 6, 2006)
oh yes, looks so much better! I love it! Before it looked like a tiki guy, now it looks like father nature hehe
Noremac (Apr 6, 2006)
its obad hai!
Agoylis (Apr 6, 2006)
drawn in 1 hour 18 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/The Post Board 
Do I just have a funky.....
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 4, 2006)
sense of humor, or does anyone else think this is HILARIOUS? I laughed so hard when I saw this...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Noremac (Mar 18, 2006)
i REAAAALLLLY need to play some amtgard, made a new sword and everything, now to just finish my garb.guess ill make some cardboard armor for now... see how that all works.
35 comments – latest 4:
minion_master_tygita (Mar 30, 2006)
Brytani: Too cold?!? I wore a t-shirt and sweatpants to Amtgard all winter and I occasionally took of my shoes, I'm the reason that Kate won't bring corn-on-the-cob anymore, and I walked into the creek just 4 weeks ago. Physical discomfort isn't a good enough reason to miss Amtgard.
Cam: I hope that katana doesn't break on my elbow like the other.
Joe: As soon as i'm done with my bow...
Agoylis (Mar 30, 2006)
OH YEAH TONY BRING IT!!! and i second your reasoning with the winter thing amtgard is awesome in the WINTER AAAAAAAAAAAAH
Noremac (Mar 30, 2006)
it probobly wont, im double layering the pipes :D
Nerhe (Aug 27, 2006)
What's sad about it is people using that thing and just prodding at people with it.
I wanna see some bodies flying dammit!

Now you need to do a TM pic ;)
drawn in 2 hours 26 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Noremac (Feb 18, 2006)
In Loving Memory
Noremac and his dear Emelia. may they both find comfort together wherever they are.
8 comments – latest 4:
woah_pockster (Feb 19, 2006)
<:000 omg >0<< cameronnn this is beautifull D: *cries* *hugs*
minion_master_tygita (Feb 22, 2006)
It's not an "amulet". most likely it's Emelia's Soulstone.
Noremac (Feb 22, 2006)
well looks like i dont need to explain anything. jesus.
Agoylis (Mar 20, 2006)
yes how may i help you cam?
drawn in 3 hours 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Noremac (Mar 9, 2006)
Yeah. its finally fuckinng done.
24 comments – latest 4:
Noremac (Mar 24, 2007)
Green guy on the left, gets made into a pez despenser, big sword gets blocked, green guy recovers, takes a swing mid level, blocked by Camin's dagger, second swing comes up, axe blocks it, followed by an offhand attack to the gut, big sword recovers, and flattens the green guy.

Expendable-Studios (Mar 26, 2007)
that shield dosn't stand a chance :]
Yugo (Mar 26, 2007)
I seriously think you have an obsession with huge gloves.
Pakka (Mar 26, 2007)
This is awesome! It's very dramatic looking, the soft colors are also nice!
drawn in 14 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Noremac and xswirvex (Mar 6, 2006)
another project for swirve
Noremac in his youth
"She had an ear this big!"

No luck on this one.
4 comments – latest 4:
Agoylis (Mar 8, 2006)
you cam draw me flyin could ya??? i need a picture of me flyin but this pic looks awesome i liike the glaive thing for the middle guy
Punky (Mar 8, 2006)
Sweet, I dig the background colors. Looks like storybook illustration.

You two make a good team. C:
Noremac (edited Mar 8, 2006)
i can already tell this is going to be neat
Agoylis (Mar 9, 2006)
yeah it is great job you too
drawn in 3 hours 54 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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