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Public Boards/Beginner 
15grifficorntears (Feb 29, 2004)
so tender and sweet,
through my mouth to my feet.
give me oatmeal any day,
sugared, tosted it's ok!
i'll eat oatmeal in a train,
even out in the pouring rain!
i like oatmeal so should you!
it's better than sniffing glue.
oatmeal never getts old'
oops! gatta go it's getting cold!
8 comments – latest 4:
ToraNeko (edited Feb 29, 2004)
lol, Marcello, thats exactly what I thought when I read it! Althought I thought "Way" not "so much"

Wow its all steemy! Shoot, Now I'm hungry >.<
Edit: Darn typos!
marcello (Feb 29, 2004)
rikku: poems are all about b.s.
toraneko: that's weird though, syllable match works better in this case.

"even out in pouring rain" sounds better without the "the."

"oatmeal never gets old" sounds wrong as well...hmmm... maybe: "nice hot oatmeal never gets old; I gotta go, it's getting cold."
davincipoppalag (Feb 29, 2004)
poem aside.. I would like this better if it were sharpened up some.. I keep wanting to clean my reading glasses.. would be a pretty good draw..
15grifficorntears (Feb 29, 2004)
hey give me some slack. I'm not the best poem writer, but the oatmeal does looks like it's from the point of view of an old man who's lost his glasses. 8)
drawn in 14 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DieChan (Feb 27, 2004)
Meh. I got bored. So I sketched a new style. Tell me what ya think.
5 comments – latest 4:
Kloxboy (Feb 27, 2004)
Looks like a Kim I I love it.
15grifficorntears (Feb 27, 2004)
hello, what is that dot near the nose? this is better than Cam's realism thingy. good work.
foxman8245 (Feb 28, 2004)
Like the all blueness used
Noremac (Feb 28, 2004)
thanks trish.... thanks alot.
drawn in 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
DinoFlorist (Feb 21, 2004)
This was based off of the picture on my profile on MSN messanger; I don't know if that's an actual page. But my member name is People from inklink might have seen it on the inklink group site.
6 comments – latest 4:
DinoFlorist (edited Feb 22, 2004)
well actually I didn't really look at it. It's just casue I can remember what it was like. But her's the link, it's a LONG one!


I tried it. You have to copy and paste that whole thing in to your browser.
evil_cloud (Feb 21, 2004)
hm...its good, but I think it needs more dark in some parts.... But in fact like it
davincipoppalag (Feb 22, 2004)
I like the sketchy look too but I think more contrast would be good too
EverDream (Feb 24, 2004)
I like this and the light tones make it stand out more I think. The only thing that really bugs me is your right ear looks pointed and smaller than your other one and your left eye looks a tiny bit bigger than your right. Heh...try saying that ten times fast! -tries- -right-left-left-right-right-wrong...(erm..yah..)
drawn in 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
foxman8245 (Feb 21, 2004)
Letter "F" from the extreme alphabet... will eventually do all letters. 5 year old daughter picking colors, also helps her to learn the alphabet. Fun way for her to learn ;)
2 comments – latest 3:
foxman8245 (Feb 21, 2004)
drawn in 24 sec
Have to finish this later.... 2 yr old just woke up ...
15grifficorntears (Feb 22, 2004)
wow. shiny. me like big shiny stick. me want big shiny stick. give to me.
dixielandcutie (Feb 22, 2004)
cool sparkles and background...maybe more detail on the guy?
drawn in 31 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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