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kitty25 (Dec 10, 2005)
Hi ! dance!!! XD
1 comment – latest 1:
narutofan (Dec 15, 2005)
cool bg
drawn in 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
alia93 (Dec 15, 2005)
sooooooooooo cute
2 comments – latest 2:
narutofan (Dec 15, 2005)
it's kinda creepy
kitty25 (Dec 15, 2005)
vert nice ,but my is like 1 boob like long way form the other one,
drawn in 8 min with PaintBBS
yuohoo (Dec 14, 2005)
I'm wondering what color her hair should be.
5 comments – latest 4:
fleeting_memory (Dec 14, 2005)
Black to accent the red (but it would have to be shiney) Or red to go with the eyes
kristine (edited Dec 14, 2005)
...or awesome psychadelic rainbow colors >_> lol just kidding ;) i think red would look good...with dark roots and lowlights...
yuohoo (Dec 15, 2005)
drawn in 44 min
Okay,I chosse a hiar color. That in the backround,I think I made it look like. A okay I really don't know,even if I drew it,it was really random. What do you think it is.
narutofan (Dec 15, 2005)
i like her hair
drawn in 1 hour 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Trip-Machine (Dec 15, 2005)
I never really try when I come here, for some strange reason. XD
3 comments – latest 3:
Akechi456 (Dec 15, 2005)
i like this ^^ its cute~
Punky (Dec 15, 2005)
I really like the background. :) Not so much the mouse person, but I really do like the background.
kristine (Dec 15, 2005)
whats a harbl? anyway. this is cute i like it =)
drawn in 48 min with PaintBBS
KaykuyoAkabane (Dec 15, 2005)
XD Snow. Again.
drawn in 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Akechi456 (Dec 15, 2005)
I've been addicted to drawing eyes..O.O
drawn in 7 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Akechi456 (Dec 15, 2005)
need more inspiration..
drawn in 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
yuohoo (Nov 28, 2005)
I know all of you,or at least most or some of you are geting annoyed about how many Gorillaz pictures I have drawn,but this one is important,I'm planing to place it on my site as a backround,and I can't finish today,well I might. Because i have to study for a test and i don't want my E.L.A grades to drop. Good Night.
1 comment – latest 3:
yuohoo (Nov 28, 2005)
drawn in 29 min
I need to stop,time to eat dinner.
yuohoo (Nov 29, 2005)
drawn in 9 min
Okay 'm done,and its ready to go on my site I guess.
whitebunny1063 (Dec 15, 2005)
Don't giive up. Draw more like this becuase it's good.
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
yuohoo (Nov 26, 2005)
I need to stop,my hand is starting to hurt. Do you think I'm getting better at this shading?
7 comments – latest 4:
MellonCollie (Nov 26, 2005)
Uhhh, you need a lot of work on shading. Is the sofa supposed to be bloody? Sofas don't bleed, and if they did bleed it wouldn't randomly fly all over the walls everywhere. My brother says its "teh suck." I don't see any shading in this picture accept for the random shine chunk in the hair.
Skai (Nov 26, 2005)
You need to add more contrast in your shading. Apparently, a lot of people can barely see it. ^^; But you do have the right idea. The hair usually casts a shadow, along with under the neck and arms... The rest kind of depends on the lighting.

kristine- You don't have any control over what people choose to draw. Deal with it.
yuohoo (Nov 26, 2005)
This is the most problems that peole have with my picture. Oh well there is always a next time hehe.
whitebunny1063 (Dec 15, 2005)
Good,but what happened to him?
drawn in 50 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
yuohoo (Dec 13, 2005)
This is for my site,to celebrate the season. So I'm doing this for my site,not for fun or that. I'm telling this because people got tired of my Gorillaz pictures so,I only draw them if necessary.
1 comment – latest 3:
yuohoo (Dec 13, 2005)
drawn in 34 min
Merry Christmas,sorry if you don't like this but. This is for my site..
yuohoo (Dec 13, 2005)
drawn in 37 sec
I just need to fix the darkness looking thing,but this is the best I can do.
whitebunny1063 (Dec 15, 2005)
2d is cue as Santa Claus. Great job!
drawn in 1 hour 7 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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