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Rudeezy (Feb 2, 2006)
just getting used to my new tablet.

I also decided to draw a new character i've been working on for a while, so if I draw her again, she might look a little different.
2 comments – latest 2:
Natsuna (Feb 2, 2006)
Oooh I like the eye-makeup!
22darkangel22 (Feb 3, 2006)
that reminds me of how i used to do my eyes, until a certain skanky someone who shall remain nameless copied me and my awsome eye designs TT_TT, good job rysufio ^_^you have to be one of my favourites on here ^_^
drawn in 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
22darkangel22 (Feb 3, 2006)
its an angry hand puppet version of me for the back of my art folder for class ^_^
1 comment – latest 3:
22darkangel22 (Feb 3, 2006)
drawn in 16 min
ahh crap forgot the anger mark V.V
Shanghai (Feb 3, 2006)
is she at a party and didn't get her way? I think it looks fun~
22darkangel22 (Feb 3, 2006)
drawn in 4 min
finished :3
drawn in 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
shining_star_sam (Jan 31, 2006)
A furry eye?
1 comment – latest 1:
IceQueen (Feb 3, 2006)
OMG Sam it looks great
drawn in 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Chokoto12 (Feb 3, 2006)
heh not DONE!!
drawn in 48 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
22darkangel22 (Jan 31, 2006)
happy birthday xiau
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Feb 3, 2006)
Isnt it still about 10 or 11 days away?
22darkangel22 (Feb 3, 2006)
*shrugs* probably but i wanted it finished in time ^_^
xiau (Feb 3, 2006)
More bishie!! XD;
Aw, thanks so much for the art! ;_; (hug)
22darkangel22 (Feb 3, 2006)
*hugs xiau*your welcome *sniffle* ahh your all growing up so fast TT_TT
drawn in 1 hour 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
101_Torchic_101 (Feb 3, 2006)
(^_^)" Well..I was bored, and I was singing that one song from Princess Mononoke, and was just thinking of the movie, and then I just wanted to draw some tree spirits in the forest..
4 comments – latest 4:
SpazyPanda (Feb 3, 2006)
Nice. :D I love that movie!
101_Torchic_101 (Feb 3, 2006)
Thanks =3 I love that movie, too. older brother said that the tree spirits used to freak him out, lol, but that was, like, 5 years ago.
SpazyPanda (Feb 3, 2006)
Lol, the tree spirits freaked me out a bit the first time I watched it. xD
22darkangel22 (Feb 3, 2006)
OMG!i love princess monoke! it was like the film that got my obsession with anime started!i absolutely loved the tree spirits, but that movie was soo long >.< so long yet so good! Great job torchic
drawn in 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
SpazyPanda (Feb 3, 2006)
She looks iffy. :O
13+ for her potential bewbs
drawn in 39 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Hope (Jan 31, 2006)
Happy B-day! n_n
7 comments – latest 4:
Hope (Feb 1, 2006)
Awww, Yeah Ed is short.
And it was no problem to draw,I enjoyed it. ^^
DrsFan (Feb 1, 2006)
Hope (Feb 2, 2006)
Whats hehe sorry but I dont comprehend.
~Wolf~ (Feb 3, 2006)
This is Great.
drawn in 1 hour 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
mybettastorm and Hope (Jan 16, 2006)
I'll work on finishing it later, I think I'm going to make her dancing or something like that. I am trying to draw with the new computer I have, but the mouse isn't very good. >:o
12 comments – latest 4:
lilChedderz (Jan 28, 2006)
i like it before and after
~Wolf~ (Feb 1, 2006)
Yeah storm you completly overreacted. I tis just a picture not to be mean or anything.
kristine (edited Feb 1, 2006)
well...ya know... she kinda made it look better.
and edit: that hair took you forever? it was freaking airbrush and dodge, not to mention ugly!
~Wolf~ (edited Feb 3, 2006)
I know that was stupid of storm.
~Edit~ Also the lineart is WAY better.
drawn in 1 hour 35 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
vertex (Feb 1, 2006)
it's winter
2 comments – latest 2:
Shanghai (Feb 1, 2006)
it looks nicer when it's smaller/zoomed out, but the colors are working well.
vertex (Feb 3, 2006)
drawn in 9 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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