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~unwritten_law_girl~ (Mar 4, 2006)
She was harder to color @_@

Benji is a romantic.. i supose. He gave Triste the rose. Hmm a 15 year old boy giving a rose to a 310 year old girl. Hahaa. Its not cute when you know their ages.
1 comment – latest 1:
darkwings45 (Mar 4, 2006)
hahahaha 310 yearsold? i like how you drew her eyes :b good job
drawn in 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Mar 4, 2006)
Im writing a story. Its about a werewolf named Benji that wanders into vampire territory and gets ambushed by older, stronger vampires. A vampire named Triste finds him and helps him recover. Benji's twin brother Leo is looking for Benji and the other vampires mistake Leo for Benji and is captured and beaten.

Thats all i got so far
and i started itlast night.. chapter 5 in prosess. :D
2 comments – latest 2:
darkwings45 (Mar 4, 2006)
i like it alot
Feiikyo (Mar 4, 2006)
Beautiful eyes admidst the gray-ness. @_@
- Interesting plot. x)
drawn in 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
purpleee (Mar 4, 2006)
return...for you sweetie >:D<
1 comment – latest 2:
purpleee (Mar 4, 2006)
drawn in 54 min
dreamyyy (Mar 4, 2006)
awwww its beautiful muaaahz >:D<
drawn in 54 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
raidiohead (Mar 4, 2006)
This drawing is so much better!
drawn in 21 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
raidiohead (Mar 4, 2006)
drawn in 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Nyuuu (Mar 4, 2006)
Well this is my first oekaki drawing... ^_^ enjoy...
3 comments – latest 3:
dragon_chikita (Mar 4, 2006)
This is really good = )
Protocom-iko (Mar 4, 2006)
suzie (Mar 4, 2006)
Really good eyes and expression.. more!! lol
drawn in 1 hour with Lascaux Sketch Classic
raidiohead (Mar 4, 2006)
It's not good.:(
2 comments – latest 2:
JESSI (Mar 4, 2006)
this is cute
raidiohead (Mar 4, 2006)
drawn in 22 min with PaintBBS
InnocentSake (Mar 4, 2006)
A picture for my friends Seiya and Skuld on MySpace, love you guys!
drawn in 1 hour 37 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
brujah (Mar 3, 2006)
2 comments – latest 2:
unicorn (Mar 4, 2006)
aha!it's mine nose mine:D
brujah (Mar 4, 2006)
haha the same:D but your nose is tiny
drawn in 12 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
brujah (Feb 2, 2006)
4 comments – latest 4:
unicorn (Feb 9, 2006)
güzelaa ama daha net yap daha net (h)
brujah (Feb 10, 2006)
napam yaw al??maya çal???yoruz i?te saol ama açam?yorum ben bu yar?m i?i mi açabilsem harmony faln kalm?cak ole thanks your advise my friend=)
Rinrinmaru (Feb 20, 2006)
pretty colors...looks like the sock turnin into blood at the top...also reminds me of red riding hood keep going...
brujah (Mar 4, 2006)
thank you.I think its a bad work I dont like it rinmaru :)
drawn in 1 hour 56 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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