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Kloxboy (Jul 11, 2007)
Abstract robotic, what not.
5 comments – latest 4:
Kayos (Jul 11, 2007)
crazy! I like it!
davincipoppalag (Jul 11, 2007)
Kinda like a mechabug kinda thingy.. very cool indeed
sweet_insanity (Jul 12, 2007)
wow... i see like a military helmet or exoskeliton
the lines attract me soo much to this picture, the colors are very satisfying and it's smooth
Sweetcell (Jul 13, 2007)
It's weird that this reminds me of the Wizard of Oz sequel from the 80's. They had robots or something that looked like this. But do likes. Do likes. :)
drawn in 1 hour 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
concannon (Jul 7, 2007)
He would probably win.

Hey all - remember me?
11 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jul 11, 2007)
I still totally agree, and I'm ... well, I'm FORTY SOMETHING! :D. The best part of high school was smoking in the bathroom, hanging out in the football player's locker room, and of course... art class. My senior art teacher was really cool, though... she had the best weed in town, and she made it a point to smoke at least one right before our class.

I don't know why I thought of this just now, but one year, Just for fun, I registered for band and stayed in there about two weeks... the director's name was "Mr. Pugh"... imagine that... he was all greasy and his pants were always falling off. When I realized we were going to do nothing but play and sing "Yesterday" by the Beatles over and over and over and over again....I changed my schedule.
Kloxboy (Jul 11, 2007)
Marcello: Hell yeah, yeah! YEAH! YEAH! YEAHHHH!!! :head explodes:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 11, 2007)
Somebody call the janitor, there's a mess in the hall, now. :D
davincipoppalag (Jul 11, 2007)
Janitor is useless.. he's stoned and making out with some young teacher who keeps moaning "dooood dooood dooood".. I dunno you may have to clean it up yourself. Hi Connie..congrats on graduation BTW
drawn in 3 hours 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Sweetcell (Jul 11, 2007)
15 comments – latest 4:
fleeting_memory (Jul 13, 2007)
everytime I hear that I see John Cleese in a bathing suit *shudder* lol
lori (Jul 13, 2007)
great pic Barb :) Lovely work.
Miss_DJ (Jul 13, 2007)
wow, Barb...too cool!! super draw! it 'rocks' in many ways! lol
Sweetcell (Aug 22, 2007)
wow, Barb...too cool!! super draw! it 'rocks' in many ways! lol

Oh Donna.... bad girl. :D
drawn in 1 hour 48 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
solve (Jul 11, 2007)
this came out fast

watch animation to see it
6 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Jul 11, 2007)
If it was just a touch darker it would look like that girl from The Ring. You made it quite creepy though, especially with the open mouth.
kokumi009 (Jul 11, 2007)
it's scary but the soft gray colors takes a bit of that away
the teeth and nose are well-drawn i should say :D
nicely done for a 40-minute work
gizemko3 (Jul 12, 2007)
soft and ghostly... like the way you did the mouth
Wraith (Jul 14, 2007)
Very cool stuff.. This is a very educational drawing for me. When I first started to see this get drawn, I was thinking "What in the world is he doing? That does not look like a mouth. That does not look like a nose." Then I saw the drawing get touched up towards end. WOW! So this is how you artists draw!
drawn in 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
cmb (Jul 11, 2007)
learning the applets again...
3 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jul 11, 2007)
See!! Don't stay away so long next time Chris!! lol I love that green eye
Sweetcell (Jul 11, 2007)
Well I think you'll learn quickly again. The eye should be placed back a bit more though, and more work on the hair and bg. Nice to see you back Chris.
cmb (Jul 12, 2007)
yep you are right sweetcell... bother!
cmb (Aug 2, 2007)
drawn in 5 min
drawn in 23 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Sweetcell (Jul 10, 2007)
...Little Cindy proudly took on the lead role
and shone as her little tiara sparkled.

"They should have chosen me in the first place."
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jul 11, 2007)
She wouldn't have come out to dance without her .44 belt..silly Barb
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 11, 2007)
haha.... I woke up to see this and I'm usually a morning grouch, but this made me smile. YAY! I'm a ballerina. :D thank you. :)
Sweetcell (Jul 11, 2007)
Well since you were willing to take her place for the final night how could I not Cindy? :)
Glad you all like it. I did this while I was talking to my friend amagic2u. BFFL sweeting.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 13, 2007)
And now I'm touring the entire country in a bus painted in sparkley metallic pink, and I'm a huge success, and my name is in lights and my picture is on billboards everywhere, right? :D (Somebody tell that goofy punk in the blue tights if he misses catching me one more time I'll stomp his head in with my... ballet shoes?)
drawn in 1 hour 50 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DreameRadial (Jul 7, 2007)
Dear Jodie

I drew a cool picture for your birfday Jodiee, but a t-rex eated it...

So I beated'im up and made'im spit it out!

Happy birfdaaaaay~

From Wes

PS: sorree bout the t-rex spit =(
5 comments – latest 4:
enjoydotcom (Jul 11, 2007)
This is great, you're obviously skilled at what you do.
I love how simple yet detailed it is, if you know what i mean. And I also think it should 've gotten more comments.
Punky (Jul 11, 2007)
This is so adorable, I love the colours and textures.
I love it and I really hope this Jodie person loves it too. :)
Callypso (edited Jul 11, 2007)
You've kept me in suspense long enough!
Oh my god, that's adorable!! I love the colours, the textures, the dino's black eye!!
This is the best birthday present I've gotten so far, thank you!! (And p.s., nice cartoon hand)
And by the way, this would make an awesome birthday card, you should submit it to Hallmark. You'd make millions.
Sweetcell (Jul 11, 2007)
Why aren't there more comments? I mean this is awesome stuff. How did you get those blocks of colors? I envy people who can do such good solid shading. Poor T-Rex, but good job on the shiner. And he looks so proud walking on his head proudly displaying.... what? This is just cute and awesome in one.

Oh, and Happy Birthday Callypso. There are a lot of July birthdays around here.
drawn in 7 hours 35 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Ziggyhbp (Jun 20, 2007)
not liking the nose
1 comment – latest 2:
Sweetcell (Jul 11, 2007)
That's when he does that trick by placing his finger on his closed mouth and expanding his huuuuuge cheeks. I can already see this is going to be fabulous. Quite an undertaking Ziggy.
Ziggyhbp (Jan 4, 2011)
drawn in 25 min
finishing soon i hope...
drawn in 4 hours 52 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Sweetcell (Jul 10, 2007)
....until she performed and got a standing ovation.
It was the greatest night of her life.

THEN SHE DIED THE NEXT DAY! Bwahahahahahahahahaha.....

Um.... Happy..... Halloween? o~0
6 comments – latest 4:
amagic2u (Jul 10, 2007)
Iwould love this on the wall in my office bffl
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jul 10, 2007)
so hurry up and friggin' bury her, and let me know if I can be her "stand in' I want a pale pink chiffon skirt over my leotard and tights, and gold sparkley ballet shoes... and a tiara, of course. Oh yeah, although I still have great eyelashes of my own, I have to insist on false ones, really, really thick ones with lots of eyeliner, and I want my hair slicked back in a really tight bun.... And that dorky guy in tights that's supposed to catch me, he better be good. <:) When do we start? *silent moment for Emily* Now, let's get cracking, people, shall we? :D
davincipoppalag (Jul 10, 2007) theres an odd mental image...hahah.. this is funny...
Sweetcell (Jul 11, 2007)

I was tired.
drawn in 1 hour 57 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kloxboy (Jul 10, 2007)
A strange, distorted Jokeress for VisceralVamp. :)
12 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Jul 11, 2007)
Now she looks like an actress, I couldn't tell you which one but she looks familiar.
Evil looking, and just the right person for the crazy guy.
I like how the lipstick can look like smudged lipstick or blood, cause ya know, she's all evil.
concannon (Jul 11, 2007)
Aw, Klox, you're amazing! Thank you! :D <3 She'd be some heck of competition for Harley Quinn.
Kloxboy (Jul 11, 2007)
You're welcome VV, your drawing on DA inspired me.
TripleE313 (Jul 12, 2007)
I love this. Lighting is perfect, her face is perfect. Everything..just perfect. =)
drawn in 1 hour 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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