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hollowayj88 (Jul 11, 2010)
13 comments – latest 4:
Wraith (Jul 13, 2010)
I like the coloring of the first one too. Overall, the first one was fantastic. Final seems a bit rushed, for your style. But, it's still a very good drawing. Love the lineart.
Dr.Moony (Jul 13, 2010)
Aqua Teen Hunger Force ftw
firecracker (Jul 13, 2010)
I like the cute little smiley face on the cup.....:)
hollowayj88 (Jul 13, 2010)
drawn in 1 hour 39 min
im not even close to being finished but i cant change the status. the glasses are going to be changed and shake is not stayin i was just messin around
drawn in 1 day 19 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
padmooks (Jul 12, 2010)
did you ever think of that?
16 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Jul 13, 2010)
I knew a guy that did clowns on the weekend..
davincipoppalag (edited Jul 13, 2010)
When we were kids , Clarabelle from Howdy Doody was doing promotions at Buster
Brown shoe stores.. he scared the shit out of us lol..
padmooks (Jul 13, 2010)
thats fucking scary. you just aged yourself davey.
firecracker (Jul 13, 2010)
I remember Clarabelle and the Howdy Doody show too...."lol"!! cool lookin' clown!!! :)
drawn in 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
pawillie (Jul 10, 2010)
5 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (Jul 10, 2010)
This is really cool.....I like it!! Very creative and interesting draw!! :)
davincipoppalag (Jul 11, 2010)
colorful fun
elly (Jul 11, 2010)
Nice orb'ish abstract! I love the colors and design! it makes me smile! =)
pawillie (Jul 11, 2010)
drawn in 32 min
thanks FC, David and Elly
drawn in 1 hour 22 min with Chicken Paint
padmooks (Jul 10, 2010) my sister.
6 comments – latest 4:
padmooks (Jul 10, 2010)
you have no idea teapot. shes an asshole. shes only 14. thank you also.
she says hi.
pawillie (Jul 10, 2010)
when my daughter was that age she told me that someday I would realize at age 14 how much smarter she was than me
PolythenePam (Jul 10, 2010)
oi collab already
sassy109 (Jul 10, 2010)
nice biting sis
drawn in 34 min with Chicken Paint
Felistorm (Jun 24, 2010)
Safety save my baby girl has discovered that cool green power button on computer and the other kids aren't cooperating right now either.
6 comments – latest 4:
Felistorm (Jun 25, 2010)
drawn in 30 min
Not done yet
firecracker (Jun 26, 2010)
very pretty "flutterfly"....:)
Felistorm (Jul 10, 2010)
drawn in 39 min
Calling this one done. Went for a kind of simplistic painting feel. Did it with a combo of pics from birds and blooms as reference. :) Have lots more in mind on the way.
padmooks (Jul 10, 2010)
drawn in 1 hour 48 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
pawillie (Jul 10, 2010)
my whole family was almost killed by a lightning strike to a metal ladder leaning against the house. They were standing right next to it and had just let go of it
6 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jul 11, 2010)
Very close ! Good one
cyclops (Jul 11, 2010)
this might be a stupid question, but why was your whole family outside holding and aluminum ladder during a lighting storm?
Wraith (edited Jul 11, 2010)
Makes sense to me. People always seem to want to do stuff when there is lightning. I see it all the time. Like just a few days ago, there was a lightning storm as I was headed to work. And there was a jogger on the side of the road jogging as if nothing was happening. Of course I was driving to work in my truck.
pawillie (Jul 11, 2010)
good question cyclops, I guess they just weren't thinking. I was in the grocery store when I saw the lightning on the hill where the house was and immediately heard thunder so I immediately went home to see if they were ok
drawn in 1 hour 46 min with Chicken Paint
dorothyblueeyes (Jun 27, 2010)
yeah, too tired, hope art gets finished, this Oekaki used to work,
3 comments – latest 4:
dorothyblueeyes (edited Jul 10, 2010)
drawn in 2 hours 38 min
"JAVA NEEDS UPDATE" (my computer repairman told me that,of this site,so I[m telling you.This is not the latest version,so if your browser has the latest Java,the software aplet on the chibi paint on this site will not work; or some such.I find that on other sites with chibi paint,also.)anyone has opposite info,please let me know,thanks.)(the cartoon is sloppy,yes.)
davincipoppalag (Jul 10, 2010)
well.. I just deleted the old java and installed the latest release last week and it all still works fine for me.. I use firefox as a browser..I dunno..maybe clean your cache or update your browser ..somethin weird there
pawillie (Jul 10, 2010)
I agree, I can't get my tablet to work here
padmooks (Jul 10, 2010)
haha we do bitch like this...
drawn in 3 hours 21 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
pawillie (Jul 9, 2010)
7 comments – latest 4:
pawillie (Jul 9, 2010)
thanks FC
montezmaria (Jul 9, 2010)
Very interesting, it really draws the eyes from the top of the canvas to the bottom. Nice drawing.
dorothyblueeyes (Jul 10, 2010)
cool very love it; do a sci fi magazine cover
pawillie (Jul 10, 2010)
thanks montezmria and DBE
drawn in 41 min with Chicken Paint
HolyCow (Jul 9, 2010)
Stopped to eat spaghetti.
8 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Jul 9, 2010)
montezmaria (Jul 9, 2010)
I'd swear that was a photograph, wow! Amazing skin, whew..blows me away.
dorothyblueeyes (Jul 10, 2010)
yow, frame it
elly (Jul 10, 2010)
Great statement by an excellent draw!
drawn in 1 hour 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
artsy (Jul 5, 2010)
I'll work more on it some other time, for now it's done.
7 comments – latest 4:
madscientist111 (Jul 8, 2010)
Cute and adorable drawing!
montezmaria (Jul 8, 2010)
Love it!!
artsy (Jul 9, 2010)
firecracker (Jul 9, 2010)
very cute lil "munchkin".....:)
drawn in 1 hour 52 min with Chicken Paint
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