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dorothyblueeyes (Feb 16, 2011)
Oh, God, I do not know where this nerd came from....really. But I'm getting the hang of this paint, was fooling around like crazy,trying it all out.should have made band concert poster, "The Terds!"ha ha ha, so funny.
2 comments – latest 2:
davincipoppalag (Feb 16, 2011)
Hahah great nerd!
lori (Feb 17, 2011)
aw :) give it up for all the nerds
drawn in 58 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
dorothyblueeyes (Nov 29, 2010)
Maybe it is done,it's man kind,savage hate filled,and bombing my city of Portland,Oregon, cause all those little cute sweet Somalian Muslims fifteen years old, hate my country and it's kids, so badly,he tried to blow them all up. Right at Xmas tree lighting,in Portland Oregon. Now I'm thinking,"why did we let these guys immigrate into the US,and Oregon?So their kids could bomb us?Great, way to go."
3 comments – latest 3:
nutmos (Nov 29, 2010)
this is sick. i likes it
davincipoppalag (Feb 16, 2011)
demonman.. cool
tanuki (Feb 16, 2011)
looks kind of like a cut paper painting, like this- link
drawn in 2 hours 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
turtlegirl (Feb 15, 2011)
4 comments – latest 4:
turtlegirl (Feb 15, 2011)
Yeah, my quick drawings were lame, but I rather like the picture itself, so I thought I'd give it a go.
Dr.Moony (edited Feb 15, 2011)
Here is the original in case you want it:

49 minutes...that's ridiculously long!
dorothyblueeyes (Feb 16, 2011)
Not really that long; I just did 2 hrs. 19 minutes, cause I'm so out of practice, it takes longer.I like this,but I thought it was finished,and that the loss of a mouth, was "woman without freedom of speech", looks good to me.
turtlegirl (Feb 16, 2011)
drawn in 17 min
screwed the whole thing up, shit, will have to fix it later, I have class soon
drawn in 1 hour 50 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
mawns (Oct 2, 2010)
4 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Oct 2, 2010)
this is incredible, mawns.
davincipoppalag (Oct 2, 2010)
Really amazing
firecracker (Oct 2, 2010)
Awesome!! :)
staci (Feb 16, 2011)
oooOoOoo, i missed too much last year. he is instantly recognizable despite most of his features being in shadows. very very very nice.
drawn in 3 hours 51 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
staci (Feb 16, 2011)
sometimes it feels like walking through mud.
drawn in 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
turtlegirl (Feb 13, 2011)
will add more later
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (Feb 14, 2011)
very nice work!
lori (Feb 14, 2011)
Sweetlove15 (Feb 15, 2011)
Great use of colour :D
drawn in 1 hour 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
rebornartist (Feb 14, 2011)
hmm just wanted to try this site :)
4 comments – latest 4:
NarutoBankai7 (edited Feb 14, 2011)
haro mem. =w= haha I wish I can draw as fast as you. Dx OH MAN I KNOW THIS KID, HE'S DEFINITELY GOT TO BE REED. I like the sparkly thingy. ;w; So mafiosoly magical.
*edit* lol I just realized there was the title "Reed's Magic". OTL i'm so slow. xD
rathian619 (edited Feb 14, 2011)
is it me or this lookd like memom style XD omg so freaking great u should try using oekaki the greatest tool ever XD aha this site is awsome its autosave u dunt have to save it and u can still revuse ur drawing XD its magictastic
lori (Feb 14, 2011)
I like the light, very magical
Sweetlove15 (Feb 15, 2011)
Amazing o.o
drawn in 37 min with Chicken Paint
pawillie (Feb 8, 2011)
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Feb 8, 2011)
This is just beautiful !
pawillie (Feb 8, 2011)
thanks David
dorothyblueeyes (Feb 10, 2011)
Beautiful, such colors,and such great handling of water color,or paint.
pawillie (Feb 14, 2011)
thanks dorothyblueeyes
drawn in 2 hours 49 min with Chicken Paint
NarutoBankai7 (Feb 12, 2011)
New Original Character Tito...
4 comments – latest 4:
enjoydotcom (Feb 13, 2011)
I love the way you colored the whole thing.
rathian619 (Feb 13, 2011)
lol this one looks like edward from cowbow bebop cool XD
Karete-96 (Feb 13, 2011)
holy hell, this is awesome! i envy you :D
rebornartist (Feb 14, 2011)
hey ban XD nice drawing there XD
drawn in 2 hours 12 min with Chicken Paint
drobert486 (Feb 7, 2011)
6 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Feb 7, 2011)
I'm likin it, too
Harlie_Jayne (Feb 13, 2011)
I actually prefer the first version, it flows more more nicely, I think because of the harsh black lines on the face distract too much.
shults (Feb 13, 2011)
I don't think this is advanced, even when I try to ignore her broken leg.
turtlegirl (Feb 14, 2011)
I'd say that all 4 of the ones you posted in the advanced board aren't actually advanced. Don't mean to be such a critic, but yeah, I think they're more intermediate.
drawn in 4 hours 51 min with Chicken Paint
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