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mollymoon4 (May 19, 2012)
A piece of fanart for a fanfic.
2 comments – latest 2:
dorothyblueeyes (May 19, 2012)
very darling, love it. great style.
mollymoon4 (May 20, 2012)
>w< Thanks!
drawn in 1 hour 49 min with Chicken Paint
ChalkDust (Oct 14, 2011)
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (May 16, 2012)
Beautiful work ..
lori (May 18, 2012)
this is so freaky weird...good job
ayrodm (May 18, 2012)
dorothyblueeyes (May 19, 2012)
very complex and exotic, well done.
drawn in 5 hours 40 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
pawillie (May 14, 2012)
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (May 14, 2012)
pretty idea
pawillie (May 15, 2012)
thanks Dave
Pantera (May 18, 2012)
Great shells :) what is up with all the spam? geeeez
pawillie (May 18, 2012)
thanks and I think it is one person doing it because if you look them up they all started about the same time and it doesn't look like the powers that be are doing anything about it
drawn in 2 hours 44 min with Chicken Paint
Axil62 (May 13, 2012)
3 comments – latest 3:
adxaidl3692 (May 14, 2012)
I think this is great!
lori (May 14, 2012)
This could be a lot better but I like it just the same.
Pantera (May 18, 2012)
drawn in 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
twix (May 13, 2012)
5 comments – latest 4:
luzzifide (May 14, 2012)
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Wraith (edited May 15, 2012)
Very Nice Fish. Are they eating Fruity Pebbles® though?
twix (May 16, 2012)
thanks, and yep it's fruity pebbles for breakfast lol
Pantera (May 18, 2012)
wow how real the fish look, can't wait to see it finished :)
drawn in 5 hours 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
TheCrimsonKing (Feb 21, 2005)
..I tried to take as much thought out of this as possible(probably apparent)..aside from the employer. Thanks for viewing.

edit: melting
8 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Feb 21, 2005)
Yea.. that's always how interviewers looked to me too.. Hope you got a good review
Zack (Feb 21, 2005)
Whoah, this is awesome. The confusing and uneasy designs go well with the interview idea.
mooki (Feb 25, 2008)
this is very very cool. and scary in a realistic scary way, though its abstract.
davincipoppalag (May 14, 2012)
drawn in 1 hour 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
jpjp1052 (May 10, 2012)
2 comments – latest 2:
davincipoppalag (May 11, 2012)
very pretty
Rat (May 11, 2012)
Roses are also delicious.

No, really.
drawn in 2 hours 6 min with Chicken Paint
lori (May 8, 2012)
5 comments – latest 4:
Alter.Native (May 8, 2012)
nice one!
like a beautiful illustration to a story..
Wraith (May 8, 2012)
Yeah! What Alter.Native said.
lori (May 9, 2012)
thanks dudes, it's not all that original though
pawillie (May 9, 2012)
I love this style
drawn in 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
thinbear (May 6, 2012)
reference: myself, mirror stage
3 comments – latest 4:
thinbear (May 7, 2012)
drawn in 5 min
how come the compression messed up?
thinbear (May 7, 2012)
drawn in 1 min
Very not what I expecting. Well, at least I tried...
lori (May 8, 2012)
the thumb is pretty cool.. this would be good if it was smaller I think... I like the reflections off to the sides of the person
thinbear (May 8, 2012)
It would be better if I got a better reference, staring at a dental mirror is not fun at all
drawn in 4 hours 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
mustachio123 (May 8, 2012)
blah im done with this..i dont even know
drawn in 2 hours 41 min with Chicken Paint
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