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NOVEMBER93 (Jun 5, 2007)
1 comment – latest 4:
NOVEMBER93 (Jun 6, 2007)
drawn in 49 min
CRAP! Gotta fix something, then I'm finished :]
NOVEMBER93 (Jun 6, 2007)
drawn in 3 min
Ok, finally done
pancakes_rock (Jun 6, 2007)
i like the skin lulz very nice and i like her hair.
NOVEMBER93 (Feb 21, 2009)
drawn in 12 min
revising old shit is fun.
drawn in 3 hours 5 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Northern_shadow (Jun 6, 2007)
The Harder Harder They Fall.

yah :x
3 comments – latest 3:
Punky (Jun 6, 2007)
This looks like it'll be super cool when it's done, I really like it.
The rocket and the smoke coming out of the launcher are cool.
Childlike_Vampire (Jun 6, 2007)
This looks like it is gonna be awesome when it's done, a lot of motion and detail. Go bazooka dude!~
TaCO (Jun 6, 2007)
Good to see you drawing again!!!!
Great pic thus far!!!!!!!
drawn in 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DarkCloak (May 24, 2007)
True story.
12 comments – latest 4:
fleeting_memory (May 25, 2007)
I adore the facial expressions in this-you're so good at that. This made me laugh!
HunterKiller_ (May 26, 2007)
Haha! Nicely done.
Alex-Cooper (May 29, 2007)
Nice comic. I'm not sure if i like the way the text in the second panel carries over to the third and fourth panel. I do like the individual drawings and how the second panel text draws the eye in the direction of third frame. If you're ever interested in a comic collab, memo me. I think it would come out good.
TaCO (Jun 6, 2007)
O.O LMAO!!!!

I brother's wife called him on the phone for a few hours screaming and hollering, cause there was a little baby bug but by her.
She balled up on top something and was in a state of complete shock..
I question women’s sanity sometimes :(
drawn in 4 hours 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
shizuki (Jun 6, 2007)
It's in times like these when I feel tempted to buy a tablet.

1 comment – latest 1:
Childlike_Vampire (Jun 6, 2007)
I really love this kind of high contrast stuff. It really pops out to me. This picture makes me think of being a little girl.
drawn in 1 hour 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
djramz99 (May 29, 2007)
3 comments – latest 4:
djramz99 (May 29, 2007)
drawn in 51 min
Might as well JUMP!!
davincipoppalag (May 29, 2007)
Van Halen..I can hear it.. Great exuberant picture dj..nice!
PS (May 30, 2007)
This is really neat, I like it.
Sweetcell (Jun 6, 2007)
Late in commenting, the solid tones in coloring was a good choise here Ramz. I'm assuming you blurred the feet to make it look in motion and behind him? It works, but I think you blurred them too much, they seem cut off from the rest of him, maybe only a slight blurring would have been better. But it's a quibble. You did good with the folds, especially how the shirt pulls up since his arms extended like that would make it rise up. (make sense?)

And now I have that song in my head. Thanks a lot.
drawn in 2 hours 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kloxboy (Jun 4, 2007)
"Nobody makes me bleed my own blood! Nobody!" -White Goodman
16 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Jun 5, 2007)
I look at this and think of a Pheonix rising from the flames. I know it's cliche but I can actually see it in the streams of flames. I just love how you make your paint strokes look thick and substantial. Did that make sense? :)
HunterKiller_ (Jun 5, 2007)
I like solve's interpretation. Intense rolling hot oil. =)
two-na (Jun 6, 2007)
perfect. lots going on, and still very nice
good, this, kloxboy
patienceisoverrated (Jun 6, 2007)
mmm i love the flow and movement. when i was little(er) I used to spend hours dropping food colouring in water and watching the patterns of the die swirling around. this reminds me of that.
drawn in 54 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kloxboy (Apr 10, 2007)
So let mercy come,
And wash away…

What I've Done.
I'll face myself,
to cross out what I've become.
Erase myself,
and let go of what I've done.

Put to rest,
what you thought of me.
While I clean this slate,
with the hands,
of uncertainty.

For What I've Done

I'll start again,
and whatever pain may come.
Today this ends,
I'm forgiving what I've done.

Forgiving What I've Done.
11 comments – latest 4:
HunterKiller_ (edited Apr 11, 2007)
His mind is an inferno. Damn cool.
EDIT: I haven't heard any of these new LP songs.
friend (Apr 11, 2007)
-b+or-sq root of b squared -4*ac all divided by 2a = Kloxyboy.
JK-Arts (Apr 24, 2007)
AS always interesting dude.
Dr.Moony (Jun 6, 2007)
Feels like wax. I love how the orange stuff is flowing into the blue.
I really like this piece.
drawn in 2 hours 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kloxboy (Jun 5, 2007)
Similar style as my last piece but not nearly as loose. This technique seems to be more effective when I'm really sleep deprived but it was still fun to draw.
5 comments – latest 4:
HunterKiller_ (Jun 5, 2007)
Nice flowy and greeny and wispy and yeah. =)
Sweetcell (Jun 5, 2007)
It reminds me of something. A children's special long ago, there was a tree or creature that looked like this. I dunno. It's wicked though.
davincipoppalag (Jun 5, 2007)'s all flowy and graceful...and looks relaxing to do
Punky (Jun 6, 2007)
I really like this wispy style. I love the hands on this creature.
I have weeds like this in my yard.
drawn in 1 hour 6 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
clover_pocky (Jun 3, 2007)
Ooooow, my hand. I was going to submit this on the advanced board but I thought better of it.

I'm actually a traditional media artist turned digital. Good old .05 lead mechanical pencils and some nice paper are the tools of my trade. Sometimes coloured pencils, so the transition from that to.. a tablet is kind of difficult. :\ Anyway, I tried, so here's another one from me.
6 comments – latest 4:
fleeting_memory (edited Jun 4, 2007)
whoa my whole view page moved cause of the long user comment up top haha! I really like this-delicate it the perfect word davinci. Very very nice-I'd love to see more.
HunterKiller_ (Jun 4, 2007)
Right Dave, 'delicate' is the perfect word for this. Good work.
Sweetcell (Jun 5, 2007)
Beautiful, love the pencil like look of this. I feel I just peeked into your sketch book.
And the blue is a unique choise to use. I love the detail in the patterns of the fabric,
on her face, and the hair combs.
MelissaMissy (Jun 5, 2007)
This is magnificent though personally I find this types of drawings slightly boring, but anyway it's good.
drawn in 1 hour with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Roytje (Jun 5, 2007)
After a realistic one I always have to "clear" my head :)
12 comments – latest 4:
PS (Jun 5, 2007)
It kind of looks like an indian rock painting coming alive, very nice work.
Dr.Moony (Jun 5, 2007)
Playing with shapes is the best way to clear my head too. The thin lines add a lot of interesting structure to this painting which looks even better than I thought judging by it's thumbnail....Great job!
solve (Jun 5, 2007)
Wow you have some crazy textures going on in here. From the smoke, wispy thick lines, thin scratchy lines. Oh, and the colors. Great work!
Roytje (Jun 5, 2007)
Thanks alot! I didn't expect so much comments on this one :)
drawn in 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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